The BLOG posts below are covering the period from 31-Dec-23 back to 08-Dec-22.

For 2024 posts see

All eBOOKs are available at

[31-Dec-23] My week 52-2023 highlights

Have a great start into the year 2024 ...

We did visit the exhibition yesterday and it was really interesting to see the differences and also commonalities between the two artists Picasso and Beckmann.

Wishing you all the best for your start into 2024, have a great, surprising, relaxing, funny and successful next year.

  • The Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge 2024

  • The 10 Most Important AI Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

  • Happiness is built by habits and the five chimps theory. Intent-based leadership. Product/market fit: experience & data.

  • Your Last Encouragement Before 2024. Start the Year Strong with this FREE Resource!

  • The Most Read Workplace Culture Articles of 2023

  • Step-by-step guide for using ChatGPT & Python for exploratory data analysis



[29-Dec-23] Two artist exhibition

For our 20th wedding anniversary, we plan to go to Wuppertal for this exhibition

Below an excerpt from a discussion with ChatGPT about the two artists - Pablo Picasso and Max Beckmann:

ChatGPT: "Assigning specific agile roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team Member) to artists like Pablo Picasso and Max Beckmann is a creative exercise, as the roles in agile development are not directly analogous to the characteristics of artists. However, we can draw loose parallels based on certain aspects of their personalities and contributions. Keep in mind that these comparisons are metaphorical and not a direct reflection of the nature of agile roles:

Product Owner: Pablo Picasso

Reasoning: Picasso's innovative and versatile nature, coupled with his constant desire for exploration, could align with the role of a Product Owner. The Product Owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the product backlog, making decisions that maximize the value of the product. Picasso's ability to envision and create diverse artistic expressions might metaphorically correspond to the Product Owner's role in shaping and guiding the product vision.
Scrum Master: Max Beckmann

Reasoning: Beckmann's introspective and contemplative mindset, coupled with his focus on human dynamics, could loosely align with the Scrum Master role. The Scrum Master is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process, fostering collaboration, and addressing impediments to the team's progress. Beckmann's ability to empathize with individuals and address emotional aspects might metaphorically correspond to the Scrum Master's role in supporting and coaching the team."

Have a great rest of 2023:

  • TED Talk: How reverse mentorship can help create better leaders
  • As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to share a goofy visual about toilet paper, but it also shares an important message

  • The future of Coaching & AI

  • Study finds popular LLMs make content more neutral in sentiment

  • Only McKinsey: Highlights from our 2023 ‘Insights to Impact’ publishing journey

  • When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?

  • TOP 200 AI tools Index from Generative AI


[28-Dec-23] Get ready for 2024

Some good time for Lifelong Learning, start now ...

The four remaining German players in the last 32 field of the PDC World Darts Championship did play really well in the last two days, but nobody made it to the next round. The other players were just better on the day of the game, had more luck, or just played some great darts in the crucial moments. Next chance in Dec-24, we will see and are looking forward to it.

On the picture and the AI Learning Resources page you can find a lot of helpful learning information. Have a look.

LinkedIn is currently asking selected people to comment on different topics with dedicated questions. Below three examples with my comments:

  1. How can you demonstrate your value to your employer to earn a promotion in IT Outsourcing? -- "Be authentic, find your Unique Selling Point (USP) and make best use out of it. Create your positive impression out of the mass of same level motivated people, just doing what they should be doing. Be special and different!!"
  2. How do you leverage your program project experience? -- "Always be open for a new perspective, mindset has nothing to do with your day of birth in your passport. I did lead Water Fall projects for 30 years and started to look closer into Agile in 2020. Became a Scrum Master in Jan-21 and now I am leading two forward looking projects as Release Train Engineer. It is all about people and giving them a good feeling, by being successful and delivering on commitments."

  3. How does program management help shape organizational culture? -- "Avoid hybrid structures, having line-management and agile roles together in projects. Like in Conway's Law (, a lack of roles & responsibilities will not lead to the best possible result. It is one of these rare situations, where a black or white decision is much better than any variantes of grey. According to my personal experience so far, what might be wrong?"

“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.” -- Doris Lessing, taken from

64 Lifelong Learning Quotes To Never Stop Learning



  • Looking backward to 2023 and forward to 2024 in pictures
  • The Agile Community: Embracing Complexity in a Time of Uncertainty

  • Understand and Exploit GenAI With Gartner’s New Impact Radar

  • Pluralistic: What kind of bubble is AI? (19 Dec 2023)

  • 2024: The year AI gets real

  • Top 5 Kafka use cases

[27-Dec-23] Top skills for the future

What is required and how to get there?

Four more days and the 2027 outlook is just 3 years ahead. Not a very long time, depending on what you want to accomplish by then. And it is always good to have the wording clear - skills versus attitude versus mindset versus behavior as example. Let's read, what OpenAI thinks about this topic?

In this rapidly changing world, it is crucial to equip ourselves with skills that will remain in high demand over the next 5 to 10 years. Here are the top 10 skills that are highly recommended for the future:

1. Digital literacy: With technology playing an increasingly important role in every industry, having the ability to navigate and adapt to digital tools is essential.

2. Critical thinking: As automation takes over routine tasks, individuals who can think critically and solve complex problems will be highly sought after.

3. Creativity: The ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions will be invaluable in a future that requires constant adaptation.

4. Emotional intelligence: As automation replaces certain job roles, skills like empathy, communication, and relationship-building will become even more valuable.

5. Data analysis: With the exponential growth of data, being able to analyze and interpret it will be crucial for making informed decisions.

6. Adaptability: In a rapidly changing world, being able to quickly adapt to new situations and learn new skills will be essential for success.

7. Collaboration: The ability to work effectively in teams and bridge cultural and generational gaps will be highly beneficial in an increasingly globalized world.

8. Leadership: As technology advances, strong leadership skills will be needed to steer organizations through periods of change and uncertainty.

9. Financial literacy: Understanding financial concepts and being able to manage personal or business finances will be important in a world that is becoming increasingly complex.

10. Lifelong learning: With the pace of change accelerating, the ability to continuously learn and upskill will be essential to stay relevant in the job market.

By acquiring these skills, individuals can equip themselves with the tools needed to thrive in an ever-evolving future job market. Whether it's the ability to navigate technology, think critically, or adapt to new situations, these skills will be vital for success in the coming years. So, start investing in these skills today and prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Some of the Top 10 skills are also on the picture, others like e.g. Emotional Intelligence might be difficult to replace by AI shortly? Definitely a good area to invest in ...

  • More Diesel-Killing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Trains Heading For Germany, Plus India Piles On

  • Hydrogen-powered aircraft completes first flight and is voted Breakthrough Technology of 2023

  • The 6 psychological responses to climate change - which one is yours?

  • This is how to accelerate the move from coal to renewables in emerging markets

  • Video: CGI Animated Short Film: "Mr Indifferent" by Aryasb Feiz | CGMeetup
  • Video: NINE-DARTER - First woman to hit perfect leg on TV
  • Frank Sonnenberg: How to Ride Life’s Ups and Downs
  • Why Internal Mobility Should Be a Top Priority Right Now


[26-Dec-23] Christmas and AI topics

Tomorrow Christmas is over already

A lot of people in Germany were concerned about three public holidays in a row with shops closed. Tomorrow we are back to normal. One of my Christmas presents was an invitation to a Burns-Night on 03-Feb-24. An evening with Scottish food, poetry, music and Whisky. Sounds like fun.

Next level of unlimited vacations is to celebrate all public holidays and festivals together with everybody in International Companies. Will definitely help with the cultural awareness.


  • AI-powered video creations at scale

  • Canva makes it easy to create professional designs and to share or print them

  • Video: Festo - Bionic Robots || 7 Amazing Bionic Robots || Episode 1 | 4K | YouTube 4K | Robotic Automation
  • Video: Simon Sinek's Guide to Cultivating Psychological Safety at Work

  • Why Everyone Should Have Unlimited Vacation Days

  • List of foods that are generally considered beneficial for various parts of the body

  • 10 Japanese habits that'll level up your life (in 2024 & beyond)

  • A new vision for electrifying commercial shipping

  • Ted Talk: AI's single point of failure

Have a great Christmas and enjoy the celebration. I am back in some days.

  • Jólabókaflóð, or Christmas Book Flood, is the charming Icelandic tradition of giving books as gifts

  • McKinsey & Company: Top Ten Most Popular
  • Video: How to Change Your Bad Habits
  • Video: Ai Ai Ai, What Happens to Our Way of Working? (Jurgen Appelo)

[24-Dec-23] The week 51-2023 summary

Have a great time, enjoy your days off and relax

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (22-Dec-23)

  • Become a Google certified Data Scientist for FREE
  • Video: Mountain Dew: Fast Hands - Do The Dew


[23-Dec-23] Character Strength ...

We could need some Temperance and Transcendence for Christmas

Interested in your personal Character Strength? - The VIA Character Strengths Survey. Get to know your greatest strengths. Why take the survey?
"The VIA Survey is the only free, scientific survey of character strengths in the world. Take this simple, 10 minute character test and discover your greatest strengths. Research shows that knowing and using your character strengths can help you."

The 4th German player did also qualify for the last 32 players at the Darts PDC WM today, now they cover 12.5% of the remaining field of participants. The tournament goes on after Christmas on 27-Dec-23.

  • Storytelling That Drives Bold Change

  • Storytelling that drives bold change. The fourth agreement: always do your best. Evidence of abundance: debunking dystopian myths.

  • Australian Innovative rocket design
  • 10X Your Productivity With Just 20 Sentences. The perfect way to start 2024.


Have a great Christmas time and enjoy the celebration. I am back in some days.

"Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today's Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday." -- Gladys Taber, taken from 95 Best Christmas Quotes Perfect for All of Your Holiday Celebrations

[22-Dec-23] Best of 2023 collection

A lot of sources are offering their 2023 summary already

Quote by Jim Kwik, the founder of Kwik Brain Universe, author of the best-selling book LIMITLESS and host of the #1 brain performance podcast, Kwik Brain. "I am a world leading expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning."

Normally it is happening between Christmas and New Year's Eve, but I found good 2023 summary material today already:

  • wellfound: Ten top startups. Ten trending industries.

  • The 23 Top Data Visualizations on Visual Capitalist in 2023

  • Best TED Talks 2023 (in 4 categories)


From the five German players starting at the Darts PDC WM, one is out and three made it to the 3rd round already. The fourth one can follow tomorrow. See bracket tree.

Two ball videos to close for today:

  • A simple demo of order and chaos (and order again) - Home made Pendulum Wave with 15 billiard balls

  • Life is all about Ups and Downs | Best Balls Example of Life | Life Quotes | Multi Talent Macha


[21-Dec-23] My 2023 JAR

Not as full as last year ...

But still a great collection of success stories and areas to improve next year. I will find out in early 2024, when I read all notes and make a high level summary of the content. Looking forward to it and only some days to go.

As we decided yesterday to have a real Christmas tree this year, I did go out for hunting it together with my youngest daughter in the afternoon. We found one at the 4th place where we did check. With the right size, volume, look&feel, and price in the end. As we still use real candles and do not have too much room available, we selected one with strong branches and one side with less volume, to come closer to the wall. Sounds like CTaaS = Christmas Tree as a Service or ToD = Tree on Demand. Nothing new:

  • You Can Rent a Live Christmas Tree—And We're All for It

  • Tree As A Service - A proposal to plant a mature tree for a fixed annual price

  • On-Demand Christmas Tree

Some more helpful links for the day:

  • The Kampano Framework for evolutionary companies

  • A 2024 road map for the C-suite, in eight charts

  • The Top 50 Business Books of 2023

  • Here are 10 habits to foster a positive company culture

  • 7 can’t-miss episodes from top podcasts. World-class thinkers from Stanford, the Navy SEALs, MIT, and TED. As we head into 2024, leverage these 7 episodes to supercharge your success.

  • Certificates are nothing without experience. Experience is everything without certificates.

  • Video: GUINNESS WORLD RECORD Christmas Drone Show! (1,500+ Drones)
  • Video: JINGLE BELLS Marble Music
  • Video: Blue Man Group Holiday PVC Mashup ☃️ 🎵 Dreidel, Dreidel; Let It Snow; Winter Wonderland & more!


There are numerous great ways to collect money for charity. Here are ten ideas to get you started (generated by OpenAI):

1. Organize a fundraising event: From charity walks to bake sales, events can bring people together while raising funds.

2. Create an online donation page: Make it easy for people to donate by setting up a simple and secure online platform.

3. Ask for donations in lieu of gifts: Encourage friends and family to donate to a charity of their choice instead of giving traditional gifts.

4. Partner with local businesses: Seek out local businesses willing to donate a portion of their profits or host fundraising events.

5. Set up a crowdfunding campaign: Utilize online platforms to share your cause and gather donations from a wide audience.

6. Host a charity auction: Collect donated items and hold an auction event to generate funds for your chosen cause.

7. Launch a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign: Encourage others to fundraise on your behalf by setting up personal fundraising pages.

8. Offer a service: Use your skills to offer services like pet sitting, home organizing, or car washing, with proceeds going to charity.

9. Collect spare change: Place collection jars in high-traffic areas and ask people to drop in their loose change.

10. Seek corporate sponsorships: Approach local businesses or companies to sponsor your charity event, providing financial support and exposure.

These are just a few ideas to inspire your charity fundraising efforts. Get creative and remember that every contribution counts in making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

[20-Dec-23] Christmas Wonder ...

Collecting money for mothers in need

The local radio station did organize a 5 x 24 hours LIVE streaming event on Radio, Internet and TV to collect money for mothers in need. A team of four well known moderators plays music wishes for everybody who donates some money. The 5 days will be finished tonight and our family did use the opportunity yesterday to meet at the location of the glass house, close to the Duesseldorf theatre. I just heard they did collect over 8 Million Euro, a really good result and more than last year.

We had not really the best weather, it was raining, but good music and Christmas market food and drinks - a bratwurst in a roll with mustard and a nice hot red Gluehwein. All you need to be happy ...

My holidays started today and I did buy some drinks and food for the upcoming Christmas celebrations, besides that just no work. Below for you some interesting material to check out during your days off (some more after 2 days without a post):

  • Video: A Holiday to Remember | Chevrolet

  • Video: Tim Minchin - Live To Learn (MOTIVATION)
  • Video: Large Language Models and The End of Programming - CS50 Tech Talk with Dr. Matt Welsh
  • Video: Leadership's Unspoken Rules: Simon Sinek on Responsibility and Trust
  • TED Talk: Why AI will spark exponential economic growth, Cathie Wood | TEDAI 2023 • October 2023

  • Frank Sonnenberg: 41 Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind
  • What to Say When Your Schedule Is Too Busy

  • A Guide to Recruiting Gen Z


  • Dan Rockwell: 5 WAYS TO LOVE WORK
  • How Curiosity and Vulnerability Drive Courage in Leadership

  • Elevate Your Tech Team with These 4 Free Soft-Skills Courses

  • Agile 2: Getting Out of “Agile” – and Finding True Agility
  • 8 Ways Smart People Use Failure To Their Advantage

  • Duncan Maddox: Just to celebrate the festive season, I've put together a whimsical tale about the Spirit of Scrum... and Xmas. Enjoy!!!
  • Success in life and business requires core elements, traits, mindset, and ACTION!

  • 7 Incredible Things That Happen Once You Learn to Love Being Alone


[17-Dec-23] My week 50-2023 highlights

Being authentic and sticking to it ...

The George Carlin quote pretty well summarizes a part of my last week. I just read my [07-Dec-23] BLOG post about the Employee Survey topic again and I am still very confident with the content and main message. Two more days to work in the coming week before my holiday, the topic might come up again?

During this time of the year the NFL is coming closer to the 1st decisions for the Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas on 11-Feb-24.

And in the same time the PDC World Darts Championship (DEC 15 2023 - JAN 03 2024) started this week. Just some minutes ago the 1st German of five in total did win his 1st game. More to come, last year we had one in the last four participants.

The World Darts Championship in London is also an opportunity for participants from around the world. One great story about South Africa’s Simon Adams, who did wait 40+ years to play in this tournament for the 1st time today.

And for two women this year - Both England’s Fallon Sherrock and Japan’s Mikuru Suzuki have qualified for the tournament through the PDC Women’s Series. 2 of 96, more should be possible in the future.

Have a great next week:

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (15-Dec-23)

  • How Culture Has Become a Powerful Manipulation Weapon

  • In the Agile world, the one-eyed is leading the blind

  • Here are 50 cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence Tools which can help you earn

  • Beyond AI, What Are The Biggest IT Challenges For 2024?

  • TIME: 2023 - CEO OF THE YEAR - Sam Altman

"Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be." -- George Carlin, taken from

125 George Carlin Quotes to Make You Laugh, Smile and Think


[16-Dec-23] Getting closer to Christmas

Some pictures fitting to the current time

Saturday is a good day to have some fun and enjoy interesting links and the video. The three guys on the scooter are worth watching.

  • Make the Most of This Opportunity

  • The Christmas tree effect. Radical candor for effective communication in the workplace. Evolution of NFTs.

  • Deloitte 2023: Mastering an AI Operating Model

  • Agile 2 (Jan-23): Today's Agile Roles Are a Dead End
  • 8 Step Practical Problem Solving!

  • Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit


[15-Dec-23] About courage ...

"Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty"

Due to our Christmas party at work yesterday, the next Blog post today. It was really a great opportunity to meet again in a larger setup with ~3,000 people after a 3 years COVID-19 break. I did see a lot of people who I know due to my Workshop activities and being in several departments since 2018. A great final for a successful 2023, definitely from my perspective.

In the last post I covered the Quiet People topic, this time three types of Courage. Assume the quiet people have the courage to speak up and even support/promote a minority opinion? Some people will say welcome on the blacklist, and others would very much appreciate a different perspective, with the opportunity to rethink an idea or approach. Give it a try ...

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear.” — Nelson Mandela, taken from 85 Courage Quotes That Will Inspire You to Face Your Fears

  • 'Nobody Knows Anything At All' and Other Things That May Surprise You About AI

  • Develop Your Coaching Competencies!

  • The world is full of wonderful people

  • Video - Tesla: Optimus - Gen 2
  • Video - Simon Sinek: The Challenges and Rewards of Leadership
  • Video - Simon Sinek: The Future of Capitalism: From PROFIT to PURPOSE
  • Video: I've Cracked the Code: Hallmark Christmas Movies | Don McMillan Comedy
  • Match the 16Personalities types against Agile Roles, ENFJ as Scrum Master from ChatGPT


[13-Dec-23] Ensure their voices are heard and valued ...

"Quiet people have the loudest minds." -- Stephen Hawking

Especially in hybrid work environments you should be taking special care of Quiet People, being in the meeting room or online in their home office. They might have great ideas and opinions, but are not willing or interested to take the floor in any case. Be careful not to miss their perspective.

"When I was young, all I wanted and expected from life was to sit quietly in some corner doing my work without the public paying attention to me. And now see what has become of me." – Albert Einstein, taken from

91 Quiet People Quotes (That Introverts Can Relate To)

We finished our two day planning phase today for 7 of 8 teams. One team had to change the content of their work on really short notice, what requires replanning for one more day. Our every three month team building will be done tomorrow as planned, and the confidence vote that is officially closing the planning phase on Friday this week. We have to be flexible.

  • Video: Simon Sinek on Empowering Today's Teams | Full Conversation
  • [13-Dec-23] Agile perspectives

  • Should Leaders Focus on Results or People?

"People who don’t know me think I’m quiet. People who do know me wish I was." – unknown 


[11-Dec-23] Improve ways of working ...

... imagine what it would be like to face deadlines without getting stressed

"I love the focus here on people going home happy here. We are after all - People first. Employees second." -- Chris Stone

We had our brainstorming session today about general communication concerns and areas for improvement. Same happened for potential process simplification opportunities. Using more of the left-side values on the picture might be a good idea as well? We keep this in mind going forward.

In the next RETRO we will recommend anonymous feedback and ask for specific examples, to better understand the background of the concerns shared, as a first improvement step.

  • Video: THE FIRST RULE OF MASTERY by Michael Gervais | Core Message
  • How To Instantly Connect With Anyone


  • “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”

    -- Frank Zappa

  • Crickets In Your All-Hands Meeting? It's Time to Ask Better Questions

  • The fear of negative evaluation can cripple your organization

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (08-Dec-23)

  • Video: How to Set and Achieve Your Goals in 2024
  • The Most Thought-Provoking Generative Artificial Intelligence Quotes Of 2023

  • Giving Feedback is one of the most necessary activity, especially for anyone managing people

[10-Dec-23] The week 49-2023 summary

Looking forward to the last full working week in 2023

Good content last week and a lot of interest in my BLOG. 170 visitors per day on average according to the new measurement (equals ~1,200 readers per day on the old hosting platform). Might be related to my additional ReThinkandFocus company related activities on LinkedIn, who knows?

Next week will be really busy:

  • Monday: Last day of our IP-Sprint with a brainstorming session about general improvements and a special presentation to the senior management team in the afternoon
  • Tuesday: 1st day of the new planning phase for our next 3 month project phase
  • Wednesday: 2nd planning day and a discussion with the senior managers about the result of the last employee survey in the late afternoon. I will use my 07-Dec-23 BLOG post content as preparation
  • Thursday: 90 minutes team building session to close the planning phase and the year 2023. In the early afternoon a warm-up come together in the office before we all leave to the official company X-Mas party at a large event location around 06:00 PM. The 1st F2F party after 2 years Corona online activities
  • Friday: Last System Demo of my 2nd project, in 2023 and their current way of working and in the afternoon an interview with a potential new Intern, to close the week

In the following week I only have 2 working days before I go on holiday until 07-Jan-24. Have a great week, I will do my best.

  • AI Industry Analysis: 50 Most Visited AI Tools and Their 24B+ Traffic Behavior

  • How to keep an open mind - Think Again, Adam Grant

  • Ten visuals on failure and success, illustrated by Roberto Ferraro


[09-Dec-23] About Fake and Failures

Are you able to learn anything out of a fake, besides not doing it again?

Failure = "lack of success"

Fake = "a worthless imitation passed off as genuine"

Two days ago I posted the article about - Google: Introducing Gemini: our largest and most capable AI model - and today I found this one -

Google Admits Gemini AI Demo Was at Least Partially Faked.

The second time that a Google AI solution is not as good as advertised. Running behind OpenAI and Microsoft seems to be difficult for them?

  • The best AI chatbots: ChatGPT and other noteworthy alternatives (27-Jul-23)

  • Bard: A conversational AI tool by Google

Have a great weekend with some interesting material:

  • Video: Hyundai Autonomous Hydrogen Truck Trailer Drone Concept
  • Video: OpenAI’s GPT4-V + ViLa: 5 AI Robot Tech Advances Nearing AGI?
  • Video: I RACED My Self-Driving RC Car
  • The Top 23 Happiness Books of 2023

  • Grant Snider: A Collection of Delights
  • Problem solving: quantity vs quality. The surprising benefits of gratitude every team should know. The ThreePercentRule.

  • New Happy: "I am working towards what matters most to me."

  • Wisdom Made Easy: What life Are You Designing?

  • 4 Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams
  • Get 80% more time and money by doing this

Employee surveys have gained popularity as a tool for gathering feedback and improving employee engagement. However, it is essential to consider the potential risks and downsides associated with these surveys. Here are 20 arguments why employee surveys may not be as effective and could even be risky for employee morale:

1. Lack of anonymity can lead to biased responses.

2. Employees may fear retribution for providing honest feedback.

3. Surveys can create the illusion of listening without taking action.

4. Survey fatigue can set in if employees are repeatedly asked for feedback.

5. Surveys may focus on superficial issues instead of addressing core problems.

6. Low response rates can render survey results unreliable.

7. Surveys can perpetuate a culture of complaints rather than encouraging solutions.

8. Staff may view surveys as a waste of time if they see no tangible outcomes.

9. The same survey questions may not apply to employees in different roles or departments.

10. Surveys may disregard the unique needs of individual employees or teams.

11. Management may cherry-pick survey data to support preconceived notions.

12. Employees might feel pressured to respond positively, fearing negative repercussions.

13. The survey process can distract management from addressing urgent issues.

14. Surveys may create the perception that management lacks the knowledge or insight to make informed decisions.

15. Employees may feel disengaged if they perceive that their opinions are not valued or acted upon.

16. Surveys could be seen as a substitute for open communication and dialogue between employees and management.

17. The language and tone of survey questions can bias responses.

18. Surveys may focus on symptoms rather than underlying causes of workplace issues.

19. Employees may doubt the confidentiality of survey responses, especially if conducted externally.

20. Surveys may inadvertently encourage a culture of blame rather than fostering teamwork and problem-solving.

It's crucial to recognize that while employee surveys can provide valuable insights, both the process and the interpretation of results need careful consideration to avoid potential pitfalls and negative effects on employee morale.

[07-Dec-23] About Employee Surveys

... and the possible downside for all involved parties

Based on my personal perspective, experience, opinion, investigation of content and once again the OpenAI help. Surveys might be a good idea, but it is all about TRUST, how serious you take the process, the results and what you finally do with it.

Three example statements from different articles:

  • Leading questions or poorly worded questions can lead to incorrect interpretations of the results, rendering surveys less useful.

  • Low participation and the lack of honest responses are among the biggest obstacles employee engagement surveys face. This can distort results, diminish data representativeness, and reflect a lack of confidence or enthusiasm for the survey process.

  • 16 Types Of Employees Surveys (Pros & Cons Of Each)

When you go through the same process multiple times - e.g. pre-announcement of the survey, take the voluntary & anonymous survey after several reminders, waiting for the results, getting the results, take a decision about the areas to improve, make a related workshop, collect ideas and start again after 6 month - you possibly get frustrated, when no real changes are happening.

So you either take it serious, invest the necessary time and resources, with dedication and real motivation to make a change, OR just forget about it and find a different approach!! Some of my ideas:

  • In agile teams use e.g. the retrospective and ask the right questions
  • Do a 360 degree feedback
  • Run a series of detailed interviews keeping psychological safety in mind
  • Stop using the results of any employee survey as management KPI

Today I had a 90 minute interview with a master student about gamification in the Scrum Master education, as basis for his thesis. Time well spend, great content shared and a good learning experience for both sides. Takes time, but delivers results, we need more of this.

  • Frank Sonnenberg: You Can’t Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want to Be Helped
  • 5 Ways to Revolutionize Recruiting with AI

  • What does remote working look like around the world?

  • Unlock the secrets to world-class leadership

  • 11 Ways To Beat Procrastination

  • There's no change vision if you can't visualize the change

  • Google: Introducing Gemini: our largest and most capable AI model
  • We all know Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle. Or do we? We’ve heard of it and can draw the three circles with Why, How and What. But do we really understand it?

  • The most popular TED Talks of 2023 are here!

[05-Dec-23] Picture Tuesday ...

When pictures do the trick, no words are required

  • ‘It’s a Voyage of Joy’—Two Top CEOs Say Optimism & Courage Are Key to Shaping the Future

  • Chris Stone: The Gremlins Retro
  • Chris Stone: The Grinch Retrospective

Besides that some more helpful ideas:

  • AI Will Kill Offshoring

  • Finding solutions through the art of asking great questions

  • 10 Communications Strategies For Conflict

  • "Foundations of Machine Learning - Lecture Notes"! (120 pages)

  • The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work

[04-Dec-23] About Feedback cycles

Feedback loops provide you with new information

During the System Demo today we several times got the information that we are moving closer to our goal or are still on the right track. Good to know as our next 3-month phase is starting on 19-Dec-23.

Thanks to Chris Stone for providing the statement today and two more RETRO templates:

  • The Home Alone Retro - Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals

  • The Die Hard Retrospective - Yippikayaiii!

[03-Dec-23] My week 48-2023 highlights

Last week and next week are all about learning ...

I covered a lot of different topics this week - patience, coaching, change, moving fast, fixing things and purpose. Starting Tuesday this coming week, we will even more focus on learning and the differet styles mentioned on the picture in my project. We will have a programming challenge, some team and project updates, enough material for self-learning time and maybe a dry-run for a Senior Management presentation scheduled for 11-Dec-23. A really good program that we have available.

Let's see, what my OpenAI friend says about learning:

There are many different approaches to learning new topics, and the best way can vary from person to person. Here are 10 diverse ideas to help you expand your knowledge:

  1. Read books and articles: Books and articles provide in-depth information and different perspectives on various subjects.
  2. Take online courses: Online platforms offer a wide range of courses on almost any topic you can imagine.
  3. Attend workshops and seminars: Participating in workshops and seminars allows you to learn from experts and engage in interactive learning experiences.
  4. Listen to podcasts: Podcasts are a convenient way to consume information while multitasking or on the go.
  5. Join online communities: Engaging with like-minded individuals in online communities can help you learn from their experiences and share knowledge.
  6. Watch educational videos: Platforms like YouTube offer a plethora of educational videos covering a vast array of subjects.
  7. Conduct experiments and hands-on activities: Learning through hands-on activities can enhance understanding and retention.
  8. Try online tutorials and guides: Step-by-step tutorials and guides provide practical knowledge and help you learn by doing.
  9. Attend webinars: Webinars offer live interactions, giving you the opportunity to ask questions and learn from experts.
  10. Teach someone else: Teaching others helps solidify your understanding of a topic and allows you to learn from their questions and perspectives.

Remember, the best way to learn ultimately depends on your personal preferences, learning style, and the nature of the topic itself.

Will be a really interesting week and a nice break before the next planning phase starting 12-Dec-23.

  • Video: Everybody Needs Somebody to Love/Sweet Home Chicago | The Blues Brothers | Comedy Bites Vintage
  • 12 Agile Principles
  • It's time to value your product!

  • Humor at Work: The Superpower of Successful Teams

  • MIT University is offering free online courses to learn Data Science

"It was nature’s intention that there should be no need of great equipment for a good life: every individual can make himself happy." -- Seneca, taken from 107+ SENECA QUOTES (ON LIFE, HAPPINESS, HARDSHIP)

[02-Dec-23] About purpose ...

"Why you do something or why something exists"

A quote from Seneca: “The beginnings are in our power; the results are judged by fortune, to which I grant no jurisdiction over myself” taken from Roberto Ferraro's - The metaphor of the Stoic Archer. Put people before purpose and humanize leadership. Digital transformation failures: the root causes.

As always finding a definition for purpose is difficult. Maybe - make the best out of your attitude and skills to accomplish your current WHY - what do you think?

The German under 17 (U17) soccer team definitely found their WHY today and did win the FIFA World Cup in Indonesia against France. The 2nd title in 2023, they did win the European Championship also against France in Jun-23. Well done.

A very good example with respect to purpose, motivation and dedication to the game for the German men and women teams, who are currently struggling a lot with their performance on the pitch. And the next tournaments are waiting already. The men's UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany and the women's Oympia 2024 in France. We will see.

  • An affordable, reliable, competitive path to net zero

  • Ten key requirements for a systemic approach to climate adaptation

  • Here are some FREE courses that can help you learn end-to-end Python

  • 5 Effective Problem-Solving Strategies

[01-Dec-23] Move fast and fix things

To earn trust and respect ...

Another great work done by Tanmay Vora - "I particularly loved the 2×2 matrix of speed and trust which outlines the concept very well. Here is a quick snapshot of a few ideas from the book in form of a #sketchnote summary."

Only seven days to go until the 1st anniversary of my website being hosted on the new platform. So far 38.3k total visits have been tracked, what roughly equals 270k on the previous counter. Not so bad I would say. 

A lot of the discussions in the past week, including my coaching assignment for two colleagues, is going around the roles & responsibilities in agile projects. What are Product Owners, Scrum Master and Teams supposed to be doing versus the reality? You might already know my opinion about certificates? It does not mean anything without proper experience in managing the daily challenges.

I prefer personality types and attitude over a piece of paper, to staff the agile roles. Product Owners are content, facts & figures driven, Scrum Master empathy and people centered. When the personality type does not match the role, nobody will be happy - not the team, not the project, and especially not the person owning the role. One of the colleagues I am currently coaching is working on a OnePager to easily explain the roles and what is in and out of their scope!! For junior team members to learn and for more experienced ones to remember once in a while.

Maybe we can use the document already during the IP-Sprint next week? We have 5 days reserved for innovation, exploration, learning, knowledge transfer and having a good time, after 10 weeks of project pressure. 

All the above does pretty well fit to the FIX map mentioned on the sketchnote, not a surprise :-)

  • Frank Sonnenberg: How to Prepare for Tough Times
  • AI Writing and Parasite SEO Found at Sports Illustrated

  • 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls - and how to avoid them

  • Purpose (Finally) Goes Mainstream, Be a Hero in Your Own Story, & More – The Leadership That Works Newsletter

  • Progress on 2030 Renewable Energy Targets by Country

  • The secret sauce of a GREAT Agile Coach

  • From the Detective to the Road Warrior, meet the personas that are moving work forward

  • If you want to give yourself a personal MBA (in 6 months), read these books

  • Only 50% feel psychologically safe at work - here's how to fix it

  • Animate Anyone: Consistent and Controllable Image-to-Video Synthesis for Character Animation

  • Microsoft, Google, Harvard University, DeepLearning.AI, LinkedIn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University have all released free courses on AI

Frances Frei & Anne Morriss: Leadership isn’t about you, it is about the people you work with

[28-Nov-23] Get ready for a change ...

Standing still is actually a step backwards

As personal, team or company change is a daily/weekly/monthly business for a lot of people, it is good to have a strategy to handle it. Some examples on the Cheat Sheet today.

In the last days I did try a FREE LinkedIn campaign for one of my KISA Posts. Kind of boosting the presence/visibility in the LinkedIn environment. For the value of $100 I did get 98 website visits and 12k impressions in 4 days. No idea if this is good or bad, but currently no motivation for me to start another campaign with my own money.

Some links more or less related to change:

  • Video: SAME AS EVER by Morgan Housel | Core Message
  • The New Happy: How to be a better listener
  • How to prepare for anything

  • SWOT analysis can be a very strategic tool to address the issues effectively

  • Transform your team with the Harry Potter Retrospective

  • Shipping is targeting zero emissions. Here’s how an industry coalition plans to help

When Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin in 1931, Einstein said, "What I admire most about your art is its universality. You do not say a word, and yet the world understands you." "It's true." Replied Chaplin, "But your fame is even greater. The world admires you, when no one understands you."

[27-Nov-23] The Power of Patience ...

Thriving in Stillness - Don't Rush the Process

Patience to learn new topics, improve on your weakness and further develop your strength:

  • Personal MBA degree courses for free
  • Start delegating like a Fortune 500 CEO

  • Watch these 8 TED Talks to level-up your life

  • IBM: AI Academy
  • How This Vietnamese Company Burned Down The Traditional Management Playbook (explaining picture)

  • 5 Lessons from Comcast on Building a Skills-First Approach to Talent

As I will have another coaching session tomorrow, some OpenAI based insights before:

Coaching is a process where a trained professional, known as a coach, helps individuals or teams to achieve their goals and maximize their potential. It involves a collaborative partnership where the coach supports and guides the client in identifying their strengths, setting realistic objectives, overcoming obstacles, and developing new skills and strategies.

There are various coaching frameworks that coaches use to structure their sessions and provide a systematic approach. Here are the 10 most common coaching frameworks:

1. GROW Model: It stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way forward. This framework helps clients clarify their goals, assess the current reality, explore options, and create an action plan.

2. SMART Goals: This framework emphasizes setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals to increase motivation and track progress effectively.

3. Positive Psychology: This framework focuses on building strengths and cultivating positive emotions to enhance well-being and resilience.

4. Solution-Focused Coaching: It centers on exploring solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It involves envisioning the desired outcome and identifying practical steps to achieve it.

5. Cognitive Behavioral Coaching: This framework combines elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy with coaching techniques to help clients identify and change negative thought patterns that may be hindering their progress.

6. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): NLP techniques are used in coaching to reprogram thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors for personal and professional growth.

7. Emotional Intelligence Coaching: This framework aims to develop clients' emotional intelligence, which is the ability to recognize and manage their own emotions and effectively deal with others.

8. Appreciative Inquiry: It involves focusing on strengths and positive aspects to create a desired future. This framework helps clients explore what is already working well and build upon it.

9. Wheel of Life: This visual tool helps clients assess and balance different areas of their life, such as career, health, relationships, and personal growth.

10. 5 Why's Technique: This questioning technique is used to dig deeper into the root causes of a problem or challenge by repeatedly asking "why" to uncover underlying issues and potential solutions.

Each framework offers a unique approach to coaching, and coaches tailor their methods based on the individual client's needs and goals.

Looking forward to the session ...

[26-Nov-23] The week 47-2023 summary

"Retrospectives and reviews of performance can sometimes focus on the negatives. Rose Thorn Bud ensures a balanced discussion." -- Olina Glindevi

As retrospectives are not always appreciated by the teams, speaking out loud requires a good level of trust, it can be a helpful approach to use interesting templates like the ones from Chris Stone or Olina Glindeva for example.

Just today I uploaded a new version of my 6th eBOOK, now the whole year 2023 until 24-Nov-23 is included, see Downloads for more details. Yesterday I did work on our yearly family calendar that we use as Christmas present for friends and family. A lot of work to reduce 1,200+ pictures to 12 A4 pages only, with an average of 10 pictures per page, in total just 10%. And when the calendar is ready, it has to get the approval of all family members, my wife and daughters, before it will be printed. A very critical audience, but this time I only had to select 4 new pictures after review.

Next week I will be 2 days at the Campus, to meet my new team members that will be finally coming together early 2024 after the latest reorganization. Besides that some socializing and a face-to-face coaching session for another colleague. Wednesday 06.00 PM the LinkedIn Prioritize, Structure, and Cultivate Business Success with Scrum@Scale event.

Have a great week, some interesting links below:


  • Last Night on Earth | Short Film (2022)

  • Why Self Discipline is So Difficult

  • Happiness is helping others


  • The silent secret to the world's best teams: They prioritise psychological safety

  • Here are the top 15 free courses Steve Nouri recommends to learn AI in 2023

  • Your perspective matters

  • Five tactics to combat a culture of false urgency at work. Building your personal braintrust. The ThreePercentRule

  • How can we truly make an impact in our lives and the lives of those around us?


  • Ranked: The Most Innovative Countries in 2023

  • The Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends For 2024

  • The Surprising Benefits of Gratitude Every Team Should Know

  • Visualizing the Global Coffee Trade by Country

[24-Nov-23] Fun retrospectives

The Virtual Agile Coach Chris Stone is offering a wide variety of retrospective templates, have fun

The project wide retrospective was yesterday and I used the DIWALI template as main theme. For the Indian colleagues to remember their festival that was just one week ago, and for the other team members to get some cultural awareness. My plan did work out pretty well, we got some good results and the team members had interesting discussions about non-business topics.

Next will be some brainstorming about the main topics per category, to agree next steps and some responsible people to drive the progress. All volunteers welcome, because we have self-managed teams now and no command and control anymore.

This week I started a new coaching assignment for a colleague, due to psychological safety only some very high level comments. 1st the person being coached has to formulate the problem to focus on. 2nd is to solve this problem, and the coach is just facilitating the process and offers a helping hand, nothing more. Main topics for the problem statement are for example communication skills, time management and change strategies.

"Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen." -- Pete Carroll, taken from 21 Powerful Quotes About Coaching

  • Chris Stone: The Emoji Retro - Christmas Countdown #31
  • The STEPPA coaching model

  • OpenAI: the future is looking great for AI, less so for humanity

  • The Naval Way in life dilemmas: change, accept, or leave


  • Johari Window - How well do you know yourself?

  • Which is better? Thinking fast? Or thinking slow? Find out right here

  • The distance between dream and reality is called ACTION

  • Interactive Map: The World as 1,000 People

  • The Top 50 Largest Importers in the World

  • The New Happy: Try something new

[21-Nov-23] AI at work ...

Insights from the LinkedIn Nov-23 Future of Work Report

A pretty consistent picture for the different countries listed on the picture for Non-AI as well as AI Skills. I have seen the report the 1st time today and found several related artices afterwards:

  • AI Candidate Assessments: The Hiring Process Now

  • 21 ChatGPT prompts for HR you can use to assist you across a variety of HR tasks

  • Julian Joseph's used AI to apply for 5,000 jobs offers insights into the evolving job market

Interesting to see that both sides, companies and candidates, are using AI to reduce effort and work. With the hope to be more successful, I assume? In the end AI is writing the application on the one side and another AI is rejecting it, as it does not meet the expectations. A brave new world.

Back in 1989 when I did apply for my 1st job, the general advice was "you have to stand out and differentiate yourself". Could be a good idea for 2023 as well, why not?

First check, what AI would be writing about you in the application and then make it more YOU, authentic and standing out. With a personal touch ...

  • Top 12 free courses with certificates for PMs

  • As a Scrum Master, your primary goal is to create an environment where everyone can contribute to their fullest potential

  • Top Universities Offering FREE Courses in All Fields.. It's Best Time to Grow

  • Video: Versatile Organization Design with the unFIX Model by Jurgen Appelo
  • unFIX: Hard Agile, Soft Agile, and Not Agile

[20-Nov-23] What is your reference?

It is always a matter of your perspective and where you stand ...

Being a German, I can confirm that we tend to be more negative than positive and complain a lot. When you look at the picture today you would be asking WHY? A pretty good average weekly salary for the lowest average working hours per week

YES it is just an average and there are definitely worse situations, no doubt, but what about a more relaxed and realistic perspective? Just now one of the train driver Unions is voting about a longer strike during the upcoming holiday season. Shutting down the public transport in the X-Mas break, not a propotional approach and solution I would say.

Nothing against Unions and their rights to strike, but what is their reference point here? Asking for a salary increase in general and less working time for the same payment might be a good starting point for the negotiation? But when it becomes a too political discussion and influences the life of many bystanders, where is an acceptable level? 

Some case studies for less working time:

  • 4 Day Week: We love sharing the stories of successful companies
  • 4-Hour Case Studies

"I think 'Dilbert' will remain popular as long as employees are frustrated and they fear the consequences of complaining too loudly. 'Dilbert' is the designated voice of discontent for the workplace. I never planned it that way. It just happened." -- Scott Adams, American - Cartoonist Born: June 8, 1957

  • Grant Snider: How To Be
  • 10 Predictions for 2024 from a World-of-Work Expert

  • Build GREAT teams with these 17 Templates

  • Ten Uncomfortable Deeds That Will Pay Off Forever

  • 9 types of time management
  • Effective Team-Building

[19-Nov-23] My week 46-2023 highlights

Only a quick summary today ...

Just coming back from a concert with Michael Kaeshammer and Seven, as part of the Leverkusen Jazz Days 2023. Really great artists with good bands. Always welcome when musicians know how to use their instruments. And Jazz offers a lot of opportunities to show capabilities and talent.

Our Sprint-4 planning was scheduled for tomorrow, but it is not going to happen, as we do not have enough worth content to present. Due to the Diwali festival during the 4th Sprint we had only reduced capacity available and could not finish some of the MVPs. Not an issue, we will now focus all resources on the System Demo on 04-Dec-23.

Have a great and successful next week.

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (17-Nov-23)

  • Agile 2: The Dilemma of Elon Musk
  • Video: What Exactly Happened On SpaceX's Second Starship Launch Attempt?
  • What to do while waiting for AI to turn your world upside down?

  • The workforce is aging. 3 labour experts share how companies can prepare

  • The best 18 AI Tools you need for your landing your dream job!

  • Nov-22: Where the Next 1,000 Babies Will Be Born
  • IMDb: Top 100 Greatest Movies of All Time
  • ChatGPT: A similar discussion about the Top 100 films

[18-Nov-23] From setback to comeback

You are unique as anyone else ...

A good way to work on your uniqueness is to leave your comfort zone and learn something new or improve an existing skill. Here some opportunities:

  • IBM Offering FREE Online Courses with Certificates in 2023!

  • FREE Google Project Management Professional Certificate

  • Free AI Guide!!! Save 10.000 hours of work

  • Overthinking is the art of creating problems that were not even there

  • 7 TED talks to turn your procrastination habit into a productivity habit

  • What does it take to be a good mentor?

Unique is also OpenAI's ChatGPT. They just dropped their CEO Sam Altman, sounds like the former Apple story with Steve Jobs, but the tool is great. I had another discussion with the 3.5 version today. "Cult cinema film characters mapped to key SAFe roles at Programme level", you can see the results here. A new analogy for my KISA = Keep it Simple Agile idea.

  • 71 Python projects with references and source code
  • Lessons Learned from the Toyota KPI Dashboard for Your Own Dashboard

[17-Nov-23] Self-awareness ...

The Team Building workshop did go really well

"Self-awareness is your ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. Essentially, it is a psychological state in which the self becomes the focus of attention."

The workshop was all about self- and team-awareness, to bring some of the hidden topics above the "waterline", when you use the Iceberg Model as analogy. We covered some personal topics, individual and team values, and made a retrospective of the collaboration and communication in the team. Even the best teams can still find some room for improvement, what we did.

The best and most out of their Comfort Zone part was Speed Feedback. Like Speed Dating, but with a 1 minute feedback in both directions. Then you change the partner and do this with the whole team, we had 9 people yesterday. In their faces you could see that it took some time to get warm and used to the situation, but in the end everybody did really appreciate the experience. Something you could/should do more often.

In the end the whole day was flying by pretty fast and we might plan a follow up workshop next year? Before my holiday season starts on 20-Dec-23, I have 3 more workshops on my list. The ART retrospective next week, a team logo workshop early December, and the regular team building workshop to close our 2-day planning phases on 14-Dec-23.

  • Charted: Marvel’s Box Office Rise (and Fall?)

  • We often hear that AI will take our jobs. But what jobs will it create?

  • Climate: The ultimate industry disruptor

  • Find your edge: escape competition through authenticity

  • The power of diversity

  • EU criminalises environmental damage ‘comparable to ecocide

[15-Nov-23] Remember the basics again

We are often too busy and stressed to remember, what should be common knowledge ... 

Tomorrow is the Team Building workshop, an opportunity for the participants to remember some useful knowledge, to learn something new and to leave their comfort zone sometimes. No pressure.

All my agenda topics have an idea behind, not always obvious, but helpful for a holistic approach. To best use both sides of the brain and to avoid using the standard answers. Addressing most of their senses and to combine some of it at the same time, for new ideas and impressions. Some helpful links for the text and picture:

  • 83% of people suffer from stress at work

  • 18 effective strategies to improve your communication skills

  • Grant Snider: The Worry Nest
  • No Matter How You Feel…You’re Not Alone

  • The New Happy: The best relationships
  • The DISC model is a powerful tool for understanding and improving communication, behaviour and leadership skills

  • Be more open for change

Will keep you posted about some highlights, but only in general terms, because it is a safe environment.

“You think it’s dumb when someone says there’s no ‘I’ in team, but you stick one in there and you see how dumb that looks.” – Brendan Kiely, Author, taken from 61 Best Team Building Quotes for Bonding at Work in 2023

[13-Nov-23] World Kindness Day

"Kindness shows us we’re all worth the effort and all our efforts have worth."

The picture is a good fit to the Kindness Day today. The more kind you are, the less do you hurt someone. Sounds straight forward?

I did follow The 2nd Curiosity Forum online today and worked on my Retrospective preparation in parallel. The content and panel discussions were okay, but not really a lot of great news from my perspective. Maybe I was not listening too focused, as multi-tasking does not really work well. Anyway the concept for my ART-wide Retrospective is ready and thanks a lot to Chris Stone for his great template ideas.

I selected the DIWALI retrospective as the most team members are from India and they are just celebrating this festival this week. Will be interesting to see, how they react to my proposal?

  • Slack announces radical week-long shutdown due to an internal skills crisis

  • Global Gender Gap Report 2023

  • 2 Companies That Are Getting Internal Mobility Right


  • 6 Toxic Relationships You Should Avoid Like the Plague

  • This cheatsheet is your go-to resource for navigating vast AI toolkits

  • For anyone, whether you are a leader or just navigating through your life, dealing with challenges is inevitable


  • Video: HIDDEN POTENTIAL by Adam Grant | Core Message

[12-Nov-23] The week 45-2023 summary

Good start today with the Norman Vincent Peale quote

I released another KISA post today, this time I used the main Looney Tunes characters and checked their strength and weakness related to an Agile Mindset:

Bugs Bunny:

Strengths: Agile adaptability, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. Bugs' ability to adapt to any situation, think on his feet, and turn things to his advantage reflects Agile principles.
Weaknesses: Sometimes his overconfidence and desire to outsmart everyone might lead to situations where teamwork might suffer in Agile contexts.

A summary of all my KISA analogies so far is here.

Tomorrow is the Curiosity Forum: 2nd Edition
Curious About Gen AI - November 13, 2023 - 14:30-16:30 GMT • 15:30-17:30 CET • 9:30-11:30 EST • 6:30-8:30 PST, looking forward to it.

On Thursday the Team Building workshop and in parallel I am preparing an Agile Release Train (ART) wide retrospective on 23-Nov-23. Will be a combination of fun and work for the teams.

Some LEARNING links:

  • Microsoft Offering One of Amazing Free Courses to be a Professional in using Power BI and be a Data Analyst

  • 167 pages of Machine Learning with Python tutorial

  • The University of Queensland Australia, FREE online courses
  • MIT University is offering free online courses

  • How to Build a Culture of Feedback That Actually Works

And some other links for the new week:

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (10-Nov-23)

  • Sketchplanations: Greeble
  • Video: Why Really Successful People Say No To Almost Everything
  • Problem solving is a skill, made up of many sub-skills

  • The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Leading Change Effectively

  • The AI Pin is an innovative, screenless wearable device designed to offer a range of AI-powered features, potentially rivaling smartphones

  • The purpose dance: shared and individual beats. Are you planting seeds or weeds. The human future: a case for optimism.

  • #KISA #agilemindset #analogies #fun #funreading

[11-Nov-23] Interesting artworks ...

Christo and Jeanne-Claude compared with HA Schult and Elke Koska

I had a discussion with my wife today about art and what e.g. Picasso or Van Gogh would think about the amount of money people pay for their pictures these days. We quickly came to local artists in the Cologne and Duesseldorf area and ended up with Elke Koska and HA Schult. 

Long read curly hair seems to be a commonality of Jeanne-Claude and Elke, below what OpenAI had to say about the two couples:

ME: Please compare the art work of Christo and Jean-Claude with the activities of HA Schult and Elke Koska. What are their main differences and commonalities?

ChatGPT: Christo and Jean-Claude were known for their large-scale environmental artworks, often involving the wrapping of buildings or natural landscapes, like "The Gates" in Central Park. Their collaborative approach, where both were considered equal partners in the creative process, was a distinctive aspect of their work.

On the other hand, H.A. Schult and Elke Koska have their own unique artistic endeavors. Schult, known for his "Trash People" installation, focuses on social commentary and environmental awareness through the use of recycled materials, particularly garbage. Elke Koska, a sculptor and installation artist, explores themes of nature, transformation, and the relationship between human beings and the environment in her artworks.

While both pairs of artists engage in large-scale installations and environmental art, their methodologies and messages differ. Christo and Jean-Claude's work often involved monumental, visually striking transformations of existing landscapes or architecture, often for a temporary period. Their art was more about reshaping the perception of familiar spaces.

In contrast, H.A. Schult and Elke Koska use recycled materials and direct social commentary in their works, focusing on environmental issues and the human impact on the planet. Their art tends to have a more direct, provocative message about society and consumption.

Commonalities between these artists might include their shared interest in environmental art and the use of large-scale installations to engage audiences. However, their approaches, materials used, and the messages they convey differ significantly.

ME: What are the most mentioned artworks of both couples?

ChatGPT: Christo and Jean-Claude are renowned for several iconic artworks, but a few that often come up in discussions are:

The Gates (2005): Installed in New York City's Central Park, this project involved installing 7,503 gates with saffron-colored fabric panels along the park's pathways.

Running Fence (1976): A 24.5-mile fence of white fabric running through the California countryside, ending at the Pacific Ocean.

Surrounded Islands (1983): They surrounded several islands in Biscayne Bay, Florida, with pink polypropylene fabric.

H.A. Schult's "Trash People" series is a frequently mentioned body of work, where life-sized human figures made entirely from recycled materials are placed in various locations. As for Elke Koska, her notable artworks may not have the same level of widespread recognition, but pieces like "Seedbed," which consists of sculptural installations reflecting nature and transformation, have gained attention in environmental art circles.

ChatGPT is still not perfect, as you can see from my misspelling of Jeanne-Claude in the initial question. The content is correct, but the system did not adjust the name spelling. Room for improvement.

As I could not find enough details about Elke Koska and do not use Wikipedia as source, I asked ChatGPT for a summary, see at the end of the chat.

[10-Nov-23] Be open for the unexpected

Have fun, be open, flexible and authentic ...

I found the quote on LinkedIn today and it perfectly fits to several stories in this post.

For possible measurement have a look at:

  • Tom Brady Says Remarkable Success Comes Down to This Simple Mindset Change: Why You Should Embrace the Power of Lead Metrics

  • Leading, Lagging, and Coincident Indicators

The quote might also fit to the Beatles and their latest single, now #1 in the UK and Germany:

As we are talking with our Indian colleagues about the upcoming Diwali festival for days now, this might be another good example for the quote selected today? "Diwali is India’s most important holiday—and a celebration of good over evil. Observed by more than a billion people across faiths, this five-day festival of lights brings prayer, feasts, fireworks and, for some, a new year."

In order to do some personal marketing for my small - one man ReThinkandFocus business, I am pushing my related LinkedIn page today. 250 free credits to invite new followers, a nice opportunity to come to some better times maybe? And a fun side effect could be to re-establish some relationships and contacts from the past. Definitely a lot of potential after 34 years of work.

Besides my full-day Team Building workshop next week Thursday I started to work on the upcoming team building session after the next 2-day planning phase in my project, scheduled for 14-Dec-23. As it is also the Year End session for the whole team before the holiday season starts, I will do some fun activities during these 90 minutes. 1st an anagram quiz, followed by a scavenger hunt and closure with a sketching challenge.

  • 7 Proven Ways To Keep Stress From Damaging Your Brain

  • Unlocking the Potential of MachineLearning

  • The 8 Biggest Future Of Work Trends In 2024 Everyone Needs To Be Ready For Now

  • Uncovering the AI Industry: 50 Most Visited AI Tools and Their 24B+ Traffic Behavior

  • How to Gain the Ultimate Advantage in Life

  • Where nature is in peril, these industries are too

Dan Rockwell posts:




Have a great weekend:

  • The Minimum Viable Library - Agile Edition - 71 books to up your game

  • Mental toughness makes a bigger impact than talent or intelligence

  • The Empathy Map is a canvas- style tool that puts the user or end client at the center

  • The Uncomfortable Truth About Agile: 10 Lessons for Leaders

"To make the quickest progress, you don’t have to take huge leaps. You just have to take baby steps and keep on taking them. In Japan, they call this approach kaizen, which literally translates as ‘continual improvement.’ Using kaizen, great, and lasting success is achieved through small, consistent steps. It turns out that slow and steady is the best way to overcome your resistance to change.” – Marci Shimoff

[07-Nov-23] Thoughts to Build On

Referencing the Tanmay Vora 02-Nov-23 Blog post

“The first step to living the life you want is leaving the life you don’t want. Taking the first step forward is always the hardest. But then each step forward gets easier and easier. And each step forward gets you closer and closer until eventually, what had once been invisible starts to be visible. And what once felt impossible starts to feel possible.” – Karen Salmansohn, taken from 88 Baby First Steps Quotes

A great summary by Tanmay in his post about the book "Thoughts to Build On" by M. R. Kopmeyer.

Perfect fit to our Learning Day tomorrow, the 4th one in 2023. When you know where your weak points are, just take a first step and move. If you are not sure where to look, ask your family, friends or colleagues for help. The Johari Window is a good tool for explanation, everybody has a Blind Spot.

Also a good reference to the Peer Group picture from yesterday. Properly select the group you are learning with, train less advanced people and use more advanced people as your target level.

  • 4 must-have decision tools for leaders

  • Transform Your Life with Positive Psychology

  • Continued self development is necessary to increase your leadership potential

  • Building High-Performing Leadership Teams: The Power of Group Dynamics

  • Psychological safety boosts employee engagement by 76%

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative Readiness Assessment: Free Download

[06-Nov-23] Picture Monday again ...

Fit best in the right place to build your reputation

I did add another example to my KISA = Keep it Simple Agile discussion with ChatGPT. This time matching the main Marvel and Star Wars characters with Agile Roles. I am collecting all my examples on one webpage. Have a look.

ZEAM is Connecting companies with the future for Generation Z & Alpha. An interesting approach, just in case you have the need?

Some helpful links to start the week:

  • Sketchplanations: Whose job is it?

  • 10 Habits of Mentally Strong People

  • Four-day work week trial in Spain leads to healthier workers, less pollution

  • FREE (Google) Courses you will regret not taking in 2023
  • Use this ChatGPT cheat sheet to get ahead in your career

  • Mothers: The Unseen Masters of Systemic Thinking

  • Young people who work remotely are 'probably not' going to become corporate CEOs, an NYU business professor says

The Obama quote fits perfectly to the current difficult situations in Ukraine and Israel. Hopefully they do not stop or finally start talking?

  • Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence

  • AI education resources: What do we teach young people?

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (03-Nov-23)

  • How to Promote Psychological Safety in an AI-Driven Workplace

  • Unlocking the Power of Data: Your Essential Guide to Key Data Concepts

[05-Nov-23] My week 44-2023 highlights

Walk in the shoes of other people ...

"Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they are feeling."

You will find Empathy also on the 11 Pillars of Servant Leadership picture that includes a list with 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

Since yesterday you can download my 6th eBOOK until 04-Nov-23 for now, with 118 pages of very diverse content. More to come until the end of 2023. Looking forward to it. I reuse a lot of the stuff for my "5-minute" learning bites at work and to search in the PDF file for interesting topics, when needed.

Tomorrow we have our Sprint-3 demo, in the middle of our 3-month project phase with good progress so far, but much more to accomplish until mid Dec-23.

[04-Nov-23] Where are you heading?

You always have a choice, like it or not ... 

After two days break I am back today. I did celebrate my birthday on Thursday and did go out with one of my present yesterday evening. A cooking show in front of 100+ people in our city hall. The chef is a former journalist, who made his hobby to his profession, 1st just on the radio and in the meantime live with a larger audience.

He likes to make cooking as simple and easy as possible and provides helpful background information about the quality and origin of his ingredients and spices. Was a lot of fun and did taste really well.

Today I did get two references on LinkedIn. The first from a project member who did get a team appreciation on Friday, for the good work he did lately. He posted the certificate and was really proud for getting it. Exactly the idea behind our approach, surprise the people and show them that we are interested in their work and the outcome for our project stakeholders.

Second one from our new Intern, who did start Thursday and shared that he was happy about the onboarding during the first two days and that he will be supporting us until Apr-24.

Besides that I did find several interesting articles, videos and free training courses from well known Universities or Companies. As mentioned on the picture, you can use it to proceed in your current direction or to change it. The more opinions you listen to or information you process, the better for you and your way forward.

The articles:

  • Tesla Agile Success

  • Byron Wien’s 20 Life Lessons


  • The Techno-Optimist Manifesto by Marc Andreessen

  • Why kindness at work pays off. It’s okay to not be okay. How to start a startup.

  • Investing to Deliver Value: A New Model for People Analytics

The videos:

  • TED Talk: The powerful possibilities of recycling the world's batteries
  • A Viral Interaction On The Sidelines Of World’s First AI Summit -

    British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk

  • Simon Sinek: Purpose should be prioritized over metrics

  • Science Behind Disney's Adorable And Lifelike Robot AT IROSS 2023

  • New Innovation Launched! The T-REX wheel-legged robot from AgileX Robotics! Let's unlock the T-REX!

  • LDRIC the golf robot info HD (from 2016)

There is an interesting difference between LDRIC and the Disney and T-REX robot. In 2016 it was a rudimentary piece of mechanic with some smart programming, today it is a tool box of mechanical movements/possibilities with a self-learning engine. Similar to the differences between Atlas and the Tesla Bot.

About Learning:

  • Top 10 skills for the 21st Century Worker (FREE online courses included)
  • Today, AI does not outperform people on most tasks.

  • The Agile Coach Hype Cycle

  • 6 Free Online Leadership Courses from Harvard University

  • Harvard University is offering FREE world class education in Data Science

  • Google is offering free online courses with certification.

  • 1963-2023: From 0.0 Leadership to 5.0 Leadership

  • Free Data Analytics Courses for Beginners

  • The CEO's KPI Checklist

Next week Wednesday we have our 4th #SpiritDay in 2023. A full free day dedicated to learning. Perfect to cover the 5 - 30% area in the picture above. In my two workshops in mid Nov and early Dec-23 I take care of the 90% area by teaching other people. In my daily job as Release Train Engineer (RTE) I am in the 75% area, practicing what you have learned before.  

  • How AI reshapes the IT industry will be 'fast and dramatic'

  • The New Happy: Look with appreciation
  • The most neglected words of the Agile Manifesto


  • TED Talk: AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think
  • Generative AI Is Decoding Science to Radically Improve Lives

  • How To Experience Flow and Get Crazy Productive

  • 91% of managers prioritize culture over skills

  • 69% of employees say they Want. More. Feedback

  • Lean vs Six Sigma

  • Communication matters. How do you know your communications strategy is working?

[01-Nov-23] Humans and A.I.

Comparing two sides of one future coin? 

Frank Sonnenberg did come up with a very detailed "Are you a good friend" list today, as you can see on the picture. From my perspective adding long term investment in a friendship and not directly asking for or expecting something in return, could be a good addition?

Let's see, what the build in OpenAI writer thinks about this topic in comparison?

A good friendship is defined by the sincere support and care shared between individuals. Here are ten examples that demonstrate what it means to be a good friend:

  1. Being a good listener - giving your undivided attention when your friend needs someone to confide in.
  2. Offering encouragement - motivating and cheering your friend on during both challenging and triumphant times.
  3. Showing empathy - understanding and sharing their feelings, demonstrating that you truly care.
  4. Respecting boundaries - recognizing and being mindful of your friend's personal space and limits.
  5. Being reliable - always being there for your friend when they need help or companionship.
  6. Keeping secrets - maintaining confidentiality and not divulging their personal information to others.
  7. Being honest - providing genuine feedback and advice, even if it's not what they want to hear.
  8. Resolving conflicts - working together to find a solution and not letting disagreements affect your friendship.
  9. Celebrating milestones - rejoicing in your friend's achievements and being genuinely happy for them.
  10. Being forgiving - understanding that nobody is perfect and forgiving your friend's mistakes or shortcomings.

By incorporating these qualities into your friendship, you can create a strong and lasting bond with your friends.

Sounds good and in a lot of areas pretty similar, but my point is not included as well.

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." --

Oprah Winfrey taken from 50 Inspiring Quotes About Friendship

[31-Oct-23] Halloween 2023

Most Popular Halloween Costumes of 2023?

After the success of the Barbie film this year the #1 position for the costumes today is not really a surprise. 

As I could use the KISA = Keep it Simple Agile idea in the last two days several times already, to explain behaviors and to propose new approaches for a better customer understanding, I asked ChatGPT if Barbie could be a good Scrum Master. See the results below. When you press on the picture you will come to the conversation in ChatGPT and can even further proceed with it, when you have a login:

"However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of a Scrum Master depends on their ability to apply these principles in a professional context." - A good summary of the requirements and closure sentence. A certificate without experience is nothing, experience without a certificate is much better!!

  • Dan Rockwell: 5 SIMPLE RULES FOR THE DAY and


  • Video: THINK FASTER, TALK SMARTER by Matt Abrahams | Core Message
  • ChatGPT explained to kids
  • These NASA images show the staggering impact of drought

  • Make Purpose ‘Real,’ the Power of Empathy, & More – The Leadership That Works Newsletter - Oct-23

  • 5 Lessons Pfizer Has Learned About How to Maintain Agility

  • Google invests in OpenAI rival Anthropic as AI race heats up

  • 5 Ways to Be a Better Leader from Ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

  • Free Online Leadership Courses from Harvard University

  • Happy Halloween: a management horror story

[29-Oct-23] The week 43-2023 summary

Simple language and simple usage

As you see on the Affordance picture, the easier (with the least possible options) the solution you offer, the better for the customer.

I did add another picture for the KISA idea from yesterday (simple language for difficult topics). This time explaining Scrum with the Monty Python Holy Grail film as analogy and the help of ChatGPT.

Not every analogy works for everybody as we did find out last Friday during the OneTeam Coffee meeting. During the 45 minute discussion we did touch Monty Python films and only the 55+ age guys did know the details. All younger participants had no idea, so not a perfect analogy for them.

Since today I am showing the Green Web Foundation certificate that my BLOG hosting company is running on green energy, see on the Welcome page. "WE WORK TOWARDS A FOSSIL-FREE INTERNET BY 2030 - The Green Web Foundation is an independent non-profit that tracks how much of the internet runs on green energy. Manage the environmental impact of your digital products. Apply best practices in digital sustainability. Advocate for a more sustainable and just internet."

See this related article - "The artificial intelligence (AI) industry could consume as much energy as a country the size of the Netherlands by 2027, a new study warns."

Tomorrow we start the week with the Retro of our Data & Analytics Meetup from 26-Sep-23. It took some time until everybody was back from Autumn holidays. We are looking forward to a 4-Day work week, as Wednesday 01-Nov-23 is a public holiday in Germany. The next Intern starts on Thursday with one day delay due to this. Have a great week.

  • How to Run an Effective Team Offsite: Success Metrics Explained

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (27-Oct-23)

  • Video: 5 Advanced Tips to Study Effectively
  • What Do ChatGPT’s New Capabilities Really Mean For Us All?

  • Westrum organizational culture image gallery

  • A typology of organisational cultures by R. Westrum

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionizing Women's Sexual Health

  • Dr. Stephen R. Covey lists the following seven behaviours of highly effective people

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Applied to Employee Engagement

  • Explaining 9 types of API testing

  • How responsible, equitable AI can help us improve global health outcomes

[28-Oct-23] Keep it Simple - Agile

Use a more simple language in the interest of your customers 

KISA = Keep it Simple Agile, was the result in a discussion with a friend yesterday evening during a nice dinner.

In a tight market for Agile services you need a Unique Selling Point (USP) that gets you closer to your customer base and not farer away. Agile experts speak their language and their novice customers do not understand a word. Difficult to decide for them, who is the best candidate? Some use certificates as selection criteria, others seem to role dices.

I think the solution is an easier language to proof expertise and not a more difficult/complex one. When you can explain to your kids or partner, what you are doing and trying to sell to your customers, you are on the right track.

Storytelling could be a good solution? Use a well known analogy, ask OpenAI to simply explain the Agile topic and to use the analogy as reference, then finalize the story with your own experience and expertise - as shown on my picture above. Smart usage of the Pareto Principle, OpenAI is doing 80% of the work in seconds, you do the final 20%, when still required. 

See two examples to explain the Agile Manifesto, for 4 - 6 year old kids with Bob The Builder as analogy. And for 16 - 18  teenager using the Life of Brian film. Really impressive, what this OpenAI/ChatGPT 3.5 system can do!!

  • Grant Snider: Do you ever feel like if you stop to take a break, everything will come crashing down?
  • Now is the time for grimoires. Forget work-life balance. Imbalance works better. Level five leadership: the triumph of humility and fierce resolve.

  • A Pre-mortem analysis is a powerful tool that can help teams

  • Java vs. Python: The Tale of Two Titans - And a Speed Debate!

Have a great weekend and enjoy some content:

  • TED Talk: The future of machines that move like animals
  • TED Talk: How wireless energy from space could power everything
  • The Christmas Tree Effect

  • What's the big deal with staying positive?

  • 10 FREE Google Courses! to get certified
  • The 10 Biggest Cloud Computing Trends In 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

  • “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Agile Project Management: Best Practices and Methodologies

  • Redefining success: why outcomes, not output, truly matter

[27-Oct-23] Personal Growth ...

About Lifelong Learning and other areas 

Personal growth is a lifelong journey that involves continuous learning and development. To help you on this path, here are five key areas to focus on for personal growth:

  1. Emotional intelligence - building self-awareness and empathy;
  2. Communication skills - effective listening and expressing ideas clearly;
  3. Goal setting - defining objectives and taking steps towards achieving them;
  4. Time management - prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively;
  5. Mindfulness - practicing presence and cultivating a positive mindset.

By working on these areas, you can enhance your personal growth and create lasting positive change in your life. Start embracing growth today!

A good summary and start from the OpenAI text generator I would say. All AI generated content in Italics font and Orange color, for clarification purposes.

In the monthly OneTeam coffee meeting this morning we covered some of the 5 key areas above. It is a voluntary meeting with 400+ invited people and 4 did show up today. Big Thank You to my Interns community, they represented 50% of the participants. I definitely have to work on some marketing here, but it is also a mindset issue. Voluntary and mostly not business related topics get only low or even no priority. Has to do with e.g. Time Management, Emotional Intelligence, Communication, personal Goal Setting and Mindfulness. Surprise, surprise the 5 Personal Growth areas. You can either focus on or avoid these topics.

Experience comes from experiencing, in a positive or negative way.

We did talk about proper time management, to make the OneTeam coffee happen once per month for example and lifelong learning. Depending on the life cycle phase you are currently in. It is a difference between an Intern, still learning for their Bachelor or Master Studies and people with 20+ years of work experience. Interesting discussion for the 4 people , the other 396 missed it :-)

[25-Oct-23] "Lipstick does not shrink the brain"

Was Tijen Onaran's answer to a hater comment after taking some time to think about it before ...

Sounds like an INTROVERT approach and does not need to be a contradiction, when you see her in public. I would judge myself as introvert as well, even when I am hosting the Meetup on stage in front of nearly 100 people and do regular workshops for groups of 5 to 50+.

A lot of the students that apply for our Internship positions want to be a Data Analyst or Scientist in the future. Below some insights for a good development path:

We had a discussion about KPIs in our agile project today. I believe this has to be implemented Top Down. Senior Management has to be clear, how they want to drive the organization. For these drivers you can think about adequate measurements as basis for the KPI. When you know, what to measure you will be clear about the data that are required. Finally this gives clarity about sources and tools to use. Sounds easy.

Interested about building great teams?

  • Video: Ray Dalio & Bill Belichick on Building Great Teams
  • There’s a lot of talk about “customer experience” and “employee experience.”

Some videos to start with today:

  • Video: Sweden (not Switzerland)
  • Video: How To Get What You Want From Your Parents
  • Video: Is it Cruel to Use Bees as Digital Sensors?

... and some articles to finish, not a lot of time today:

  • Uniting a divided workforce: How leaders and employees can scale new heights, together

  • 4 Ways One Tech Company Invests in Emerging Talent to Fill Key Roles and Its Leadership Pipeline

  • How Effective are Your Human Capability Investments and Disclosures?

  • unFIX: The Standard Value Stream Concept Is Outdated—Here’s an Improved Definition
  • The most destructive behaviors in relationships are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling

  • Finance and data analysts can become key enablers for a sustainable future - here's how

[24-Oct-23] Better time management

It is never to late to learn something new or to better understand your issues

Two time management related pictures today. I finished the preparation for the two workshops I mentioned on Sunday. One just needed a date and timing update, due to the move from March to December. The other one needed some more focus. Hosting a Team Building workshop planned for 7 people for a group with double the size, requires timing and content adjustments. 3 weeks to go.

[22-Oct-23] My week 42-2023 highlights

Some more questions to work with ... 

I finished the 2nd Michael Bungay Stanier (MBS) book yesterday and did get additional questions. See the blue picture. Very helpful framework and once again easy to understand and use. We will see ...

Tomorrow is our Sprint-2 demo, the Sprint-1 demo did not happen, as we had no real content to share and I was on holiday. We will be taking the same customer facing and customer language approach as for the System Demo last month. Only content related to our Top-5 objectives will be shown. Might be hard for some team members, who cannot present their work anymore, but the best possible approach for customer buy-in and business understanding.

For November and December I agreed two new workshops. A follow up Team Building workshop, based on my activities in August and a Logo/Slogan workshop for a team I am working with. We had initially planned the activity for Mar-23 already, but it had to be delayed, until Dec-23 now.

In a discussion with one of my Scrum Masters last Friday we did wonder about a rule that seemed to be existing, but nobody knows why and when it was implemented. Might be based on the The Five Monkeys Experiment as you can also see on the white picture? Always question the status quo and try to understand the WHY behind the rules, something I tell my Interns during the onboarding meeting as well.

The next book I started to read is "Be your own f*cking hero" from Tijen Onaran. She is questioning the status quo in all areas - entrepreneurship, business fashion, migration, integration and many more. She has her own Role Model Barbie and lipstick called "Red Tijen", not bad from an appreciation and visibility perspective I would say. The beginning of the book is already offering a lot of insights, more to come and to share.

Have a great, surprising and successful week:

  • The New Happy: Another view
  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (20-Oct-23)

  • Chat GPT kind of knows what a Scrum Master does -- But not fully - and that is problematic

  • Two is Better Than One: The Art and Science of Workplace Buddy Systems

  • Sketchplanations: VUCA
  • 24 hours with a Navy SEAL - Lessons from a day (and night) in the wilderness

  • Agile 2: Why Most Leadership Training Is Not Effective for Product Companies
  • Pros and Cons of the 4 Day Work Week -- Pssst... 4 day work week = 32hrs with no drop in salary

  • There is a world outside of ChatGPT: Here are new AI websites you don't want to miss

[21-Oct-23] Open new doors ...

As reference to my 04-Oct-23 post, covering The Coaching Habit  

The book can be summarized in 7 easy questions, to make coaching easier. In Retrospectives you work on continuous improvement, also by asking questions - for example:

  • What did we do well?
  • What did we learn?
  • What should we do differently next time?
  • What did we not understand?

Very helpful approach, when it is happening in a psychological safe environment.

One of the references in Robert Ferraro's article was the TED talk of Pia Lauritzen below:

Source Youtube: What you don't know about questions | Pia Lauritzen | TEDxFrederiksberg

The Stacey Matrix - The key lesson that this matrix provides is that you should be aware of the complexity of your situation and adapt your decision-making approach to it - is another approach, where asking the right questions will help to better understand your situation and the right way forward.


  • Video: Simon Sinek: How To Find Your 'Why?' In 15 Minutes (really great stuff)
  • Video: Mastering the Stacey Matrix: Practical Insights for Leaders and Decision Makers

[19-Oct-23] Output requires some input

Found a good video with some interesting content 

In order to deliver regular posts in my BLOG some input is required. I do get a lot of information from newsletters and other blogs during a week in my inbox. Today there was an email from Stefan Wolpers with the mentioned video that was leading me to additional useful content. 

  • Agile Coaching Growth Wheel

  • Tanmay Vora: Leadership, Connection and Power of Storytelling

Source Youtube: An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling w/ Bob Galen — Hands-on Agile 53

  • CURIOUS ABOUT GEN AI: The Curiosity Forum · Second Edition · November 13, 2023

  • Spike Lee on Curiosity, Overnight Success, and Why 'Not Everyone Is Denzel Washington'

  • Management 3.0: Radical Candor for Effective Communication in the Workplace

[18-Oct-23] Employee Archetypes ...

Picture based on a McKinsey research - Some employees are destroying value. Others are building it. Do you know the difference?

"Archetypes are universal, inborn models of people, behaviors, and personalities that play a role in influencing human behavior. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's theory suggested that these archetypes were archaic forms of innate human knowledge passed down from our ancestors."

3 days back in the office and not a lot did change during my holidays. 2 weeks is a good time, not a lot will happen in 10 working days anyway and you can still remember your password. I just had to change it when I was back, due to the security guidelines for a regular update.

Besides the daily project work we discussed topics around the reverse mentoring program with our GenZ employees, some basic coaching approaches and direct feedback:

  • The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

  • Systemic coaching questions

  • Systemische Fragen für erfolgreiche Coachings

  • How to Overcome Protective Hesitation So EVERYONE Gets the Feedback They Deserve to Learn and Grow

For the review about the reverse mentoring pilot I had a lot of agreement with my Mentor:

  • The proper definition and common understanding of the Mentoring phrase would have been helpful
  • The difference between generations is not specific for GenZ, in the last 4,000+ years older generations always had issues and concerns about younger generations
  • Having a discussion with younger people is helpful, but I personally have a lot of experience there already, with 2 GenZ daughters, my handling of the Intern hiring process and the regular school workshops
  • And we should not underestimate the state of the personal life cycle and the difference of motivation and priorities based on your age

Some helpful links to close for today:

  • Change How You Feel About Change: 4 Tips on How to Embrace It

  • Python Tricks pdf

  • The most detailed SQL Cheatsheet
  • Do you know the difference between vision, mission and purpose? Here’s a version of a meaningful distinction and a simple formula for how they relate to each other

[16-Oct-23] Women in the Workplace 2023

Women in the Workplace is the largest comprehensive study of the state of women in corporate America.

"LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company have published this report annually since 2015 to give companies the information they need to advance women and improve gender diversity. Over the past nine years, we have collected information from almost 900 organizations employing more than 23 million people."

In the time of "War for Talent" no company can staff the VP, SVP and C-Suite levels only with external hires. So you better develop your own talents, what requires a much larger entry level base and good development and promotion circumstances/environments. Take care.

As a side note: CAROL in the marketoonist picture is using an AI solution to handle "waste of time" work - working smarter not harder.

First day in the office and a lot of questions about my holiday. Luckily I did post some insights between 04- and 14-Oct-23, even with pictures. Works as a good reference. 

  • Video: CLEAR THINKING by Shane Parrish | Core Message
  • Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Outcomes

  • The Most Important Recruiting Metric You’ve Never Heard Of: Time to Alignment

  • Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024

  • 10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life

  • Do you see the signs that you need an attitude adjustment?

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (13-Oct-23)

  • Why a Culture of Being Too Nice Is Holding Your Team Back

  • The 30-60-90 Day Plan: Your Secret Weapon for New Job Success

  • Work It – How do you retain talent as your workforce gets older?

  • 35 Genius ChatGPT Prompts to Help You Prep for Job Interviews

[15-Oct-23] The week 41-2023 summary

You can have a great holiday in Germany ...

After nearly two weeks the summary is easy. Great weather for October, nice locations, cities and food. You do not have to leave the country to relax and have a great time. Looking forward to the next time.

Had to do some admin tasks - creating my 6th eBOOK until 12-Oct-23, updating my Linux Mint (Victoria) and Ubuntu (Mantic Minotaur) versions - before going back to work tomorrow. 

Source Youtube: The Art of Improvement - Why Constant Learning is the Key to Success

[14-Oct-23] Last holiday greeting ...

Some more details about the Alpaca hiking yesterday

To start with, below what OpenAI did quickly summarize about Alpacas:

Alpacas, a domesticated South American animal, are known for their soft and luxurious fleece. These gentle creatures belong to the camelid family and are closely related to llamas. Alpacas have been raised for thousands of years for their valuable fiber, which is used to make various textiles and garments.

Alpacas are social animals that are often found grazing in herds. They have a curious and friendly nature, which makes them popular among farmers and animal enthusiasts. These creatures are hardy and adaptable to different climates, able to withstand harsh conditions including high altitudes and freezing temperatures. Alpaca fleece is highly prized for its excellent thermal properties, as it is lightweight, hypoallergenic, and naturally fire-resistant.

In addition to their valuable fleece, alpacas are also cherished for their gentle temperament and easy maintenance. They are known to be intelligent animals and can be trained to be lead with a halter or to perform various tasks. Alpacas communicate through body language, humming, and different vocalizations. Their diet primarily consists of grass and hay, and they have efficient digestive systems that allow them to obtain nutrients from low-quality forage.

Alpacas are not only an important source of livelihood for many communities but also fascinating animals to learn about and be around. Their unique characteristics, stunning fleece, and serene nature make them a delight to have on farms, as well as an intriguing subject for those interested in agriculture or animal husbandry. Whether you are considering raising alpacas or simply curious about these captivating animals, exploring the world of alpacas can be an enriching experience. Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey into the extraordinary world of alpacas.

Interesting content compared to what our guides told us during the hiking. There are roughly 40,000 Alpacas in Germany either for their wool or for hiking tours. There are two types of Alpacas - Huacaya and Suri -

they are really very social animals, go together to the toilet and decide on their own the order of the Alpacas during the hiking. Every participant did get one Alpaca, mine was called Paul, the only black one. White Alpacas are preferred for breeding, it is easier to use their wool and to color it. In general Alpaca wool has very interesting characteristics. Have a look.

  • Rosenhan (1973) Experiment – ‘On Being Sane In Insane Places’ - mentioned in a Dr. Peter Kreuz article

  • Which of these 10 types do you recognize? Welcome to the Management Zoo

  • Artificial Intimacy: How Generative AI Can Now Create Your Dream Girlfriend

  • More than 3000 new AI tools were released in the last months, several hundrets in the last weeks

  • Leadership is more of an art than a science

[12-Oct-23] 5th holiday greeting ...

We traveled from the Black Forest close to Ulm today

We came here to be in time for the planned Alpaca hiking tomorrow afternoon.

"What is an alpaca?
Alpacas are members of the camel family, domesticated by the people of the Peruvian Andes 6,000 years ago for food, fuel, and fiber. They are ungulates, a group of large hooved mammals that also include sheep and giraffes, with large bodies and legs, long necks, small heads, and medium-length fluffy tails. Although they are often confused with their cousin, the llama, alpacas have shorter ears and blunter, but equally adorable, faces."

On the picture you see: "Ulm´s town hall is situated not far from the Minster and is easily recognised by its opulently painted, early renaissance facade. The oldest part of the present building, the main south east building, was built in 1370 as a ›new trading house‹. It was first mentioned as a town hall in 1419."

Will keep you posted about the hiking tour.


  • 15+ powerful writing tips to transform your writing game

  • You Can’t Be a True Scrum Master With Only a Certificate Or Training

  • Want to be a leader people love and respect? It's time to put serving first!

  • AI is taking the world to the next level

  • These countries are leading the way in the energy transition

  • “What’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom?”

  • Jurgen Appelo: The Agile Movement Is Shrinking, but the Agile Mindset Is Growing

[10-Oct-23] 4th holiday greeting ...

We did visit the Blackforest Line yesterday

"Take your time before you take your first step on the BLACKFORESTLINE and enjoy the anticipation. Ahead of you lie 380 metres of bliss, supported by just two pylons and held by two steel cables. The interplay of distinctive architecture and wild nature fascinates not only technology fans." - Really a great experience and impressive technology, especially for me as engineer. Was a lot of fun and a great day yesterday.

Today we did visit another Black Forest lake with a small city at the shore, but it was very touristic. A lot of souvenir shops and several groups from Asia and the USA. Tomorrow we have our last day in the Black Forest before we leave to another region for two days on Thursday. We drive back home Saturday morning.

After covering the feedback topic last Sunday I found several more articles and pictures, see below:

  • The New Happy: The power of feedback
  • Here's how the best leaders handle difficult conversations

  • The importance of giving feedback cannot be overstated

  • Sketchplanations: Feedback fear

Before I share some other links another feedback quote: “Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.” – Jim Rohn, once again taken from 49 Best Quotes on Feedback

  • Performance Development: Unlock Your Team’s Potential

  • Keep the circle of control in mind and just let go stuff

  • 3 Principles for Better Wellbeing

  • "Godfather of Artificial Intelligence" Geoffrey Hinton on the promise, risks of advanced AI

  • What if You Could Skip the Resistance of Changes?

  • Internal growth requires a constant change of environment

Just today I am running my BLOG for 10 month on the new hosting platform. According to the Website analytics I had roughly 223,000  visitors during this time, thanks for being part of it.

  • How to Build a Culture of Feedback: 5 Shifts Required

  • 3 Principles for Better Wellbeing

  • Intelligent failures vs. costly mistakes

  • The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

  • “We can only grow as leaders if we’re willing to accept feedback,” paraphrasing Jennifer Hyman’s famous quote. "Great execution requires that we always share positive feedback with our teams."

  • There exists a set of skills that remain timeless in their value

  • The 125 KPI Mega Checklist

  • 5 Tips for improved Coaching skills

“True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.” -- Daniel Kahneman taken from 49 Best Quotes on Feedback

"Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don’t quit until you reach it. Never quit." -- Bear Bryant taken from Stadium Talk: Greatest Coach Quotes of All Time

[08-Oct-23] My week 40-2023 highlights

Visiting the waterfall at night today

Three times per week the waterfall close to our holiday apartment is illuminated after sunset. A really impressive view, we did take some good pictures. The cell phone cameras are getting better and better, especially without flashlight.

Tomorrow we plan to visit the Suspension bridge BLACKFOREST­LINE, looks interesting. We will see how it is to walk over it.

[06-Oct-23] 2nd holiday greeting ... 

Having a great time ...

Yesterday we did some hiking today we made a boats trip on the largest lake in the black forest. Both days really sunny and warm.

"The Black Forest in Germany is known for its breathtaking beauty and rich cultural heritage. With its dense, evergreen forests, charming villages, and stunning landscapes, it offers an array of attractions for visitors to explore. Here are the top 10 attractions in the Black Forest:

1. Triberg Waterfalls: Marvel at the picturesque waterfalls, which are among the highest in Germany.

2. Europa-Park: Experience the thrills and adventures of one of Europe's largest theme parks.

3. Titisee: Relax by the tranquil lake and indulge in water sports or boat rides.

4. Freiburg: Discover the vibrant city with its historic old town and magnificent Gothic cathedral.

5. Black Forest Open Air Museum: Immerse yourself in the region's traditional culture and architecture.

6. Feldberg: Climb the highest peak of the Black Forest for panoramic views and outdoor activities.

7. Baden-Baden: Unwind in the famous spa town known for its thermal baths and luxurious resorts.

8. Mummelsee: Visit the mystical lake nestled in the heart of the forest, surrounded by legends.

9. Schauinsland: Take a cable car ride to enjoy stunning vistas and explore the mountain's hiking trails.

10. Vogtsbauernhof: Step back in time with a visit to this open-air museum showcasing the region's rural history.

Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, the Black Forest offers a myriad of attractions that promise to leave you mesmerized."

  • A Recruitment Process That’s Out of This World: How NASA Selects Astronauts

  • Candidate Experience: How To Get It Right and Win More Top-Tier Talent

  • Chart Your Path towards Mastery - 15 Agile Coaching reads

  • "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does" - William James

  • Sahil Bloom: The 3x5 Notecard Strategy, Winter Friends, & More
  • Grant Snider: Self-Consciousness
  • 28 KEYSTONE SPECIES EXAMPLES IN NORTH AMERICA (interest triggered by the book I am currently reading -

    How To Work With Almost Anyone)

  • Frank Sonnenberg: Use Your Brains
  • How Remote Employers Can Nail 3 Essential Workplace Activities

  • Good team communication is key. When it's missing, things slow down

  • 10 Things Genuinely Confident People Do Differently

  • New & Updated Scrum Framework

  • Video: What Is ChatGPT? A Simple Explanation In 60 Seconds
  • Video: April Fools’ Day - ShoesX by ixigo

[04-Oct-23] 1st holiday greeting ... 

Best wishes from the Black Forest

A relaxing travel by car yesterday during the public holiday and a nice local food dinner directly after arrival was a good start. Today a late breakfast and some sigthseeing with blue sky, we start it slowly. I even had the chance to nearly finish The Coaching Habit book. A simple, one page summary with the key essence below:

[02-Oct-23] Another video Monday ...

Ready for the holidays, looking forward to it !!

  • 12 Books recommended by Billionaires
  • FinGPT is an open-source LLM for the finance sector

Source Youtube: MAGIC WORDS by Jonah Berger | Core Message

Source Youtube: This Country Runs on 98 Percent Renewable Energy | Ramón Méndez Galain | TED

  • Video: What is leadership? - With David Marquet

  • Video: How to Keep Going When Life Gets Hard
  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (29-Sep-23)

  • Sketchplanations: Three Types of "No"
  • Build Your Own Ladder, ‘Read the Air,’ & More – The Leadership That Works Newsletter

  • The 10 Most Important AI Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

  • The importance of negotiation in business and everyday life

[01-Oct-23] The week 39-2023 summary

A really funny picture, great kind of humor ...

Perfect fit as I am not a Microsoft fan, even when it is the operating system on my work laptop. I prefer Linux or even Chrome OS sometimes.

The 75th city anniversary was great and we did even get two free concerts in the evening, sponsored by two local companies. 5,000 people on a parking lot with great warm weather on 30-Sep-23. First we have seen Kasalla, a well known band from Cologne that did play back in 2011 in our city in front of ~150 people. Afterwards greenbeats a percussion band, well known even on International level. A great event.

After a really successful week with the Meetup and the school workshop, two well deserved weeks of holiday. We will go to southern Germany on Tuesday. I will keep you posted with some updates during the time off, but not every day as it is my holiday.

Then I just found an interesting article - Should We Fire All the Agile Coaches? - what triggered several thoughts:

  • I still do not understand, why Agile Coaches are called Coaches and not Mentors, but this might be my personal problem?
  • "The reality is, you don’t need a coach to be agile at the team level. You can just start. And that may lead to another reason that organizations get rid of coaches – they focus only on “doing agile”" - it is more about a cultural change towards an agile mindset and there you need all employees

  • Agile Coaches are often external resources and they are cut first when costs have to be reduced, similar to external consultants

What do you think?

  • Java vs. Python: The Tale of Two Titans - And a Speed Debate!

  • Effective team management rests on several pillars

[29-Sep-23] All tasks finished

Final workshop done today, ready for holidays now

Last day in the office and some activities had to be finished before going on holiday. I did summarize the different team inputs from the retrospective after the last planning phase and finalized the video editing for the Meetup on Tuesday. Then a presentation preparation about my project for an interested team and a meeting directly after the holidays.

In the morning I had the school workshop about Digital Transformation with 30 kids in the room, this time 1/3 girls and 2/3 boys. The topic was well received and especially taking a personality test was a real success. Only issue was that the kids could not be silent together as a group and their Attention Span was just too short:

  • Why Everyone's Worried About Their Attention Span—and How to Improve Yours

  • 5 Things To Do For Better Focus & A Longer Attention Span

No further details about the workshop due to psychological safety, GDPR and the Las Vegas slogan. Makes sense ...

“Las Vegas is a place where you can have a great time, and then wake up the next day and wonder what the hell happened.” – Drew Carey

“In general, the route to establishing psychological safety begins with the team’s leader. So if you are leading a team—be it a group of coworkers or a sports team, a church gathering, or your family dinner table—think about what message your choices send. Are you encouraging equality in speaking, or rewarding the loudest people? Are you modeling listening?” – Charles Duhigg

Have a great weekend. We will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of our town officially becoming a city, party on ...

  • The New Happy: Take a step back
  • PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2023

  • Dan Rockwell: HOW TO B.U.I.L.D. T.R.U.S.T.
  • Navigating the Realm of Data Science? Here's your roadmap

  • Automated Machine Learning: Top technologies & Benefits

  • Video: Big Data | Don McMillan Comedy
  • Video: This Is How You Build Trust With Short-Term Teams

[27-Sep-23] Get into doing quickly ...

Do not wait for things to happen by magic ...

Two of the ten factors of the Frank Sonnenberg What’s Holding You Back? article above.

The 3rd Data & Analytics Meetup yesterday did go really well, besides two unplanable impacts. A short power outage of 3 seconds that did shutdown all audio and video equipment including our live stream for 5 minutes. And a change in the order of our agenda, as two participants had to leave earlier than initially planned. 

The feedback yesterday and today was very positive about content, the mix of topics in the agenda and the way of presentation. We collected good data for the next Meetup in 2024, assuming it will happen after a retrospective we are planning for end of October-23.

Also the 11 BreakOut session in the afternoon had been visited by a lot of people. 36 on average and 71 in the session with the most people. Really interesting topics and good insights into the work we are doing in our department.

Another topic is CHATGPT AS CEO: STARTUP'S €400K PROFIT & RAPID SUCCESS WITH AI - ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, takes the reins as CEO of a Portuguese startup, AIsthetic Apparel, turning it profitable within a week. The AI-driven company focuses on selling T-shirts with AI-generated designs, and with its innovative approach, projects a promising €400,000 annual profit.

An interesting idea as a lot of companies are looking for young people with a lot of work experience. ChatGPT is definitely young and the 3.5 version has a lot of "CEO" experience until 2021. The missing two years until today should be easily covered by all the available knowledge and expertise taken from a nearly endless database. Have a look.

  • 37 Ways to Be Happier at Work ASAP

  • ChatGPT Data Analysis Cheat Sheet
  • How to give feedback Cheat Sheet
  • 10 Things Smart People Never Say

  • Virtually Agile: 18 Templates / Canvases for building great teams
  • “What’s the best way for someone to grow professionally?” 70-20-10

[25-Sep-23] Quick Monday post

Tomorrow is event day and all is ready to go

Dr Hannah Ritchie is a Senior Researcher and the Head of Research at Our World in Data. She focuses on the long-term development of food supply, agriculture, energy, and environment, and their compatibility with global development.

Final alignment with the technical team, my co-host and supporting staff today. Looking forward to our Meetup tomorrow. Will keep you posted.

[24-Sep-23] My week 38-2023 highlights

"The culture and leadership of your business play a critical role in promoting or hindering effective communication." -- Monte Pedersen

A good picture for our Meetup event on Tuesday that is all about communication and story telling. We will do some small preparation work tomorrow and then we are good to go after more than 6 month preparation work. Two good links related to the communication topic below:

  • International Day of Sign Languages 23 September

  • Video: MOHAMMED QAHTANI: The Power Of Words (a Saudi Arabian engineer, won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking)

You potentially know already that I like Japanese frameworks and special ways to do things, here a new one that I heard about today - Furoshiki - a really sustainable way for e.g. gift wrapping

"The most popular modern day uses for Japanese furoshiki include: packing bento lunch boxes and protecting them from spilling open; wrapping gifts; transporting glass, ceramic or fragile goods. Particularly fine patterns can be hung on the wall as art, or worn over the shoulders as a shawl. Furoshiki bags can come in all shapes and sizes. They can also be easily used as a tablecloth, or a picnic hamper for your next hanami picnic. In an emergency a furoshiki also makes a great sling or temporary bandage! The uses of the furoshiki are limited by only your creativity."

For further communication purposes some interesting content to look at:

  • Happiness at work? A competitive advantage, indeed. Stay on the bus: the proven path to doing unique and meaningful work. Digital transformation KPI.

  • The 30 Questions Every Leader Must Ask to Stress-Proof Their Workplace Culture

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (22-Sep-23)

  • McKinsey & Company: Top Ten Reports │ Third Quarter 2023
  • HOUSE of LEAN (Sketchnote)

  • Scaling the Leadership mountain
  • 7 Books to Help You Press Reset on Your Mindset

  • 8 ways to develop Metacognitive skills
  • Emotions and mindset. Fascinating combination. These can be paradoxical more often than not (image)

  • The Amazing Ways Snowflake Uses Generative AI For Synthetic Data And Natural Language Queries

[22-Sep-23] You are the sum ...

Of the 5 people around you or maybe A.I. soon? 

Quick summary of the last week. PI planning was finished successfully and the confidence vote delivered a 4.1/5, a pretty good result. The next 3-month project phase starts next week Tuesday, the same day when we have our 3rd Data & Analytics Meetup. For this event the slides are ready and everything is prepared. The short-notice surprises will be handled, when they come up, really agile.

Remaining on my ToDo list after the Tuesday event is the school workshop next week Friday, then I am ready for two weeks holiday. For sure well deserved.

Then I have seen a picture and article about the topic - AI systems perform better than humans in language and image recognition in some tests - let's see, what OpenAI thinks about this topic?

AI systems have proven their superior performance compared to humans in language and image recognition tests. With advancements in technology, AI algorithms have been fine-tuned to accurately understand and process vast amounts of written and visual data. Whether it's understanding natural language patterns or identifying objects and patterns in images, AI systems have shown remarkable capabilities in outperforming human counterparts. This breakthrough in AI has paved the way for significant advancements in various fields, such as healthcare, self-driving cars, and customer service.

The ability of AI systems to surpass human performance in language and image recognition tasks opens up endless possibilities for businesses and individuals alike. With AI, the speed and accuracy of processing large volumes of data have skyrocketed, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and gain competitive advantages. Moreover, these AI systems can learn and improve over time, constantly refining their abilities and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and patterns. The growth of AI technology is revolutionizing industries, empowering us to harness the potential of intelligent algorithms and achieve new levels of efficiency and accuracy in language and image recognition.

Not so bad I would say and A.I. found the bear on the chocolate packaging by the way :-) -- Have a great weekend.

  • Here are the top 10 mental models that will revolutionize your prioritization approach

  • The true 100% commitment at work😁

[20-Sep-23] Don't lower standards

Help others to improve standards for a common interest

The first day of our planning did go really well today. All team members get more and more used to doing a 3-day planning in two days, and the quality of the results is improving with the increased experience over time.

Today is the German World Children’s Day, two month before the UNICEF

World Children’s Day on 20-Nov-23.

"In 1925, International Children’s Day was first proclaimed during the World Conference on Child Welfare in Geneva, Switzerland. This day is still celebrated on June 1 in many countries. However, in 1954, the United Nations resolved that November 20 should be Universal Children’s Day, which later became known as World Children’s day; at the same time he UN suggested that each country should choose a date that was appropriate and met the needs of for their own people to celebrate."

Related to the headline today an article from Frank Sonnenberg -

Lowering Standards Is a Fool’s Errand - enjoy reading.

  • The only healthy and worthwhile comparison is you yesterday vs you today - Focus on that.

  • How much risk do you take?

  • Essential Data Terms for IT Pros in 2023


"Nobody likes me! I wish I could like you, Charlie Brown, but I can't ... If I were to like you, it would be admitting that I was lowering my standards! You wouldn't want me to do that, would you? Be reasonable! I have standards that I have set up for liking people, and you just don't meet those standards! It wouldn't be reasonable for me to like you! I hate myself for being so unreasonable! — Charles M. Schulz

[19-Sep-23] About Productivity ...

Some quick insights and links before the PI planning tomorrow

"Simply put, productivity measures the amount of value created for each hour that is worked in a society." -- McKinsey

The presentation for tomorrow is nearly finished, possibly some final changes are required between 07.30 and 08.30 AM in the morning, last minute. Better to do it then in time for the kick-off meeting.

Preparation for the 3rd Meetup is also making progress, I am just collecting the slides from all presenters.

  • 10 Most Common Leadership Styles and Their Pros and Cons in 2023

  • 2023 AI Maturity Model
  • 9 Bad Manager Mistakes That Make Good People Quit

  • "A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it." - Chinese proverb

  • 12 AI Profile Picture Generation Tools

  • Moms Who Lead: The Overlooked Impact of Closing the Talent Gap, Equal Pay, and DEI

  • Your personal brain lab (great sketchnote by Maria Luisa Engels)
  • Self-promotion done right: how to share your successes without sounding arrogant

  • Your Sprint length doesn't have to be two weeks!

  • The ultimate Leading Change cheat sheet
  • Do you need that meeting? Cheat sheet

Source Youtube: THE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT by Chris Bailey | Animated Core Message

[17-Sep-23] The week 37-2023 summary

"A self-serving bias is one where we attribute our failures to external factors and our successes to our own admirable qualities and efforts."

Two weeks left until my Autumn holidays and the next week starts with a special System Demo only for the Senior Management team tomorrow. Less technical than last Monday and also to collect some benefit hypothesis, acceptance criteria and the definition of done for the coming project phase from a business and customer perspective.

Tuesday we have the 3rd #SpiritDay this year, a full day for team or personal training. We will start with a team session about Resilience.

Wednesday and Thursday we have our 2-day planning phase, with two new urgent projects to focus on. All available resources with the right expertise and skill set are taking care, the rest will proceed with other smaller tasks, to make some progress there as well.

On 26-Sep-23 finally the 3rd Data & Analytics Meetup. The event was close to be canceled due to a conflict with a higher management All-Hands meeting, but we could come to a compromise. Moving the start 30 minutes later and a little less room in the agenda will work for all involved parties.

Enjoy your next week.

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (15-Sep-23)

  • Clearing the Fog: How to Stop Ambiguity from Frustrating Your Team

  • Video: Why a Morning Routine Will Make You More Successful
  • A Visual Guide to AI Adoption, by Industry

  • Embrace the Age of Generative AI: It's Already Here!

  • The productivity cheat sheet to save 20+ hours/per week

[16-Sep-23] Uncovering more potential

Found some more material about the topic

Besides the picture that covers a 9 step process, I also found another article about potential - The P-Word: 3 Actionable Tips to Reach Your Potential - with additional pictures and explanations.

Let's add some motivation and Non-violent communication content to further improve the potential. 

Finding or improving potential is also one driver in my school workshop on 29-Sep-23. I finished the presentation today with some additional slides and my notes for the workshop. The final result is already available for download on my Beratung & Coaching page. You can also find my 2018, 2019 and 2021 slides there. Have fun and a great weekend.

  • Speeding up green transition is cheaper than delaying, plus other top energy stories this week

  • For LINUX users or fans, interested in some TUX avatars?

    Marco Antonio Espinosa Kind has a lot of potential. 

[15-Sep-23] How to uncover potential?

The Pygmalion Effect: the powerful influence of shared expectations.

In order to come from a rock to statue you need some tools. It is the same when you want to uncover your potential. The right tools might be learning, personality tests, some mentoring/coaching, maybe just some feedback from an outside opinion or perspective? Up to you, and depending from where you are and where you want to be?

Another potential could be found in hidden champions - Hidden champions are companies that dominate their respective niches, but are largely unknown to the general public. These companies are typically small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with annual revenues of less than €5 billion - I did see a Peter Kreuz article about this topic today (only in German), but also found his series of English speaking videos on Youtube for the same topic, have a look. 

Finally a paradigm shift could help as well and unlock a lot of potential. See an example for leadership with a great Tanmay Vora sketchnote included.

“Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.” -- John Maxwell, taken from 40 Inspirational Quotes On Potential.

  • The secret to accelerating performance - What winning companies do differently


  • The Scrum Master as the Leader of the Future


  • Kotter's 8-Step Process for Leading Change
  • The 5 Biggest Risks of Generative AI: Steering the Behemoth Responsibly

  • The 5 Guiding Laws of Life!

  • 10 Sentences advice on what Scrum Master need (credit to Mike Cohn)

[13-Sep-23] Issue and improvement

Clarify the problem and find a solution

I found the picture yesterday and shared it in my team. The spillover joke came up immediately and I answered, when you want to keep a clean table, don't do any spillovers. Today I found an even better solution on Youtube, the 2023 answer - Robot Barista Making Latte Art!

Next issues is the baby-boomer generation retiring shortly and the current

shortage of skilled workers. Two trends going in opposite directions. A huge number of baby-boomers are leaving the workforce in the coming years and the current shortage of skilled workers will be getting worse. So re- or upskill your younger employees and develop what you need on your own. My project will be facing the same issues with respect to software development. A first idea is to do pair-programming or mentoring between older and young team members, maybe a coding autumn-school to upskill a larger group quickly. I will be thinking about this in more details after my October holiday.

Finally a new idea to avoid synchronization or undertitles in videos - just use AI for translation into other languages and to match the new words and mouth movements. Have a look at HeyGen or this example.

  • Redesigning your career path in a Skills-Driven world

  • Frank Sonnenberg: How to Work Smart and Achieve More
  • 10 metrics more valuable than velocity

  • Activating Growth Mindset (at scale)
  • Worrying is not at all bad if you have the right mindset.

[11-Sep-23] The Power of Habit

Habit: "Something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it"

The changed "habit" during our System Demo today, more focus on outcome and benefit for the customers and less technical details and language, did go really well. And the collected feedback afterwards did proof that we are on the right track. More to come the next time.

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it." -- Ralph Marston, American - Writer

  • Dan Rockwell: WORDS FOR THE WISE
  • About Time Management

  • What gives me the most joy, as a coach?

  • McKinsey & Company have developed this simple matrix to assess your organisation’s #culture.

  • 10 Ways Smart People Neutralize Toxic People

  • Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”

  • Agility can often look natural and even effortless from a distance

  • 36 AI Tools to Start Your Online Business in 2023

  • Python Data Structures Concept Map

  • Video: Simon Sinek's Thoughts on the Purpose of AI

[10-Sep-23] My week 36-2023 highlights

Basketball World Cup Final: Germany 83 : Serbia 77

The historical days did go on today, when the German Basketball team did win the World Cup for the 1st time. What a great day and very well deserved after winning all games during this tournament. And a perfect analogy to the picture today, as the great intersection of all player types and their experience in the past together made a winning team. Congratulations and Basketball will now get much more visibility with a broader audience, because only the final was shown on free TV in Germany.

Germany can be lucky to have Basketball now, as Soccer is a complete disaster in the moment. After losing against Japan yesterday the coach was fired today, much too late from my perspective, but better late than never. Next friendly game is against France on Tuesday already and an interim coach has been announced. Will be interesting to see, who gets this position long-term. 

I was busy the whole day yesterday to update and fine-tune my presentation for the school workshop on 29-Sep-23. A lot did happen in the technology and digitalization area in the last 2 years, what had influence on the content I plan to present. I asked ChatGPT to get 10 key topics to be covered during this workshop and 5 dangers I should warn the kids about. Really great results for easy questions, very helpful. And a good confirmation for the content I did share in previous workshops in the school already. Good to have this task finished now, only some additional notes will be required for my voice-over during the presentation. I plan to have two active sessions for the audience besides the slides I will show. 

The coming week starts with our System Demo on Monday, much more customer focused this time. Looking forward to the feedback of the audience afterwards, to see if our effort and change in direction was successful?

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (08-Sep-23)

  • Why Shallow Leadership Principles Backfire: The Dangers of Simplistic Mantras

  • The 2023 MAD (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Data) Landscape

  • Our VELUM system steps in to provide a solution. sewts VELUM feeds towels and other terrycloth into folding machines, closing this significant gap in automation of industrial laundries. Our inhouse developed AI analyzes the textile and translates these findings into robotic commands.

  • SQL in a Nutshell
  • What technology analysts are saying about the future of generative AI

  • Teach Your Children To Care Inspirational Video
  • The best example of “don’t try to change something that works”.

"I always thought of myself as a humanities person as a kid, but I liked electronics. Then I read something that one of my heroes, Edwin Land of Polaroid, said about the importance of people who could stand at the intersection of humanities and sciences, and I decided that's what I wanted to do." -- Steve Jobs

[08-Sep-23] A historical day ...

Basketball World Cup: Germany 113 : USA 111

The German team was the 1st time in the Semi-Finals after 21 years, did win against the favorites from the USA today and is now for the 1st time ever in theWorld Cup final on Sunday. Well done guys.

As well today is the 1st anniversary of the death of Elizabeth II, 70 years on the throne and now the 1st year without her, still a little bit unusual.

The picture today is another great Tanmay Vora sketchnote, always a good combination of content and related sketches.

12 more days to go until the next 2-day project planning starts, another 6 days for the 3rd Meetup and then finally the school workshop on 29-Sep-23, before 2 weeks holiday start, will be well deserved by then.

Next Monday we will have our System Demo with the main customers and stakeholders, as official finish for the last 3-month period. Then we start our 5-days of dedicated innovation, training and exploration phase before the next planning. As we want to be much more customer focused and less technical in language on Monday, we had a dry-run with all team members today. Some minor adjustments are required, but the rest will be working fine. Looking forward to it and the feedback of the audience afterwards.

  • The New Happy: Borrow it
  • The New Happy: Talking all day
  • Simon Sinek Video: Optimism Is NOT Blind Positivity
  • Video: Amphibious Velox robot uses undulating fins to swim and crawl
  • XEV YOYO MY23 is here! The full electric city car, which responds to a need for urban mobility with practicality, technology, and an unmistakable design, improves in every aspect

  • Generative Team Design: Innovation, Psychological Safety, and Empathy

  • DevOps Tools Stack Wheel

  • 11 Important Soft Skills

  • Mindsets, the unseen builders or wreckers of success, play a crucial role in teams and organisations

  • Intrinsic drive: from curiosity to mastery to achieve the impossible

  • The Power of Intrinsic Motivation: The most powerful habits are those that come completely from within.

"For artists, scientists, inventors, schoolchildren, and the rest of us, intrinsic motivation-the drive to do something because it is interesting, challenging, and absorbing-is essential for high levels of creativity." -- Daniel H. Pink

[06-Sep-23] The Bulldozer ...

Sometimes you just need to drive alternative ideas

In one of our strategic projects we have a "driver triangle" of Time - Resources - and Smartness. As the enddate is fixed and we cannot increase the number of skilled resources in the remaining time, we have to work smarter and push new, alternative and maybe crazy ideas, to get things done.

During a meeting today I took the Bulldozer role and shared some "fancy" ideas. Why should we spend a lot of effort to reduce the duration of an existing process from e.g. 11 to 8 days? Just tell the involved people that the new duration cannot be longer than 3 days and they should be coming up with smart ideas to make it happen. Discuss good pratices and combine what works well. If a competition between teams is required to be faster, why not - gamification can help as well.

Another proposal was to use the Pareto Principle - by just spending 20% team effort, we should come to a 80% quality and confidence level after testing. We will see soon, if this is possible?

  • Lean for the modern company

  • What is an Agile Release Tram?

  • 11 Habits of Ridiculously Likeable People

  • Eve Simon: Maternal Ingenuity: How Moms Drive Progressive Innovation
  • Sketchplanations: Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • Frank Sonnenberg: Some People Have No Shame
  • 10 Time Management Tips for Talent Professionals

  • Beyond the Facade: Why a Strong Core Is Key to IT Success

  • How to stop - Taking Things Personally


[04-Sep-23] Meeting the requirements?

It is always good to have a plan B or version 2.0

I am just reading two new books from Michael Bungay Stanier (MBS):

  • The Coaching Habit (2016)

    • The Coaching Habit gives you 7 questions and the tools to make them an everyday habit. Master them, and you’ll be able to work less hard and have more impact.

  • How To Work With Almost Anyone (2023)

    • Every working relationship can be better.
      This book is your guide to creating relationships
      that are safe, vital, and repairable.

I started with the Coaching Habit and it is really easy to read and understand. Looking forward to the remaining content and then the latest book from MBS.

As promised I did select the Interns for the 2nd round of interviews today. Difficult to meet the requirements of the departments searching for Interns, and making it to the 2nd round is no guarantee to be invited for a 2nd interview. We will see.

"The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it." -- Ray Kroc, American - Businessman October 5, 1902 - January 14, 1984


  • Video: 100 WAYS TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF by Steve Chandler | Core Message
  • Video: Simon Sinek - Great Leaders INSPIRE Others To Do Great Things
  • TED Talk Mar-22: How "digital twins" could help us predict the future
  • Coaching questions are the most powerful tools in your arsenal as a coach

  • A collaborative communication framework

The A.I cartoon from Paul Noth as perfect fit to the Labor Day in the USA today.


[03-Sep-23] The week 35-2023 summary

A happy heart is good medicine ...

Above the text from my Fortune cookie that I took away from the Vietnam restaurant where we had our dinner today. Nice food for a happy heart.

We did book our October holiday today, nearly two weeks in the southern part of Germany, looking forward to it. Besides that I started to prepare my presentation for the School workshop end of Sep-23. Just 90 minutes this time, what is good as my 2nd hands-on activity will be changed and ites are necessarys much shorter than normal. As the last workshop was back in 2021, some updates are necessary. ChatGPT did not exist by then, definitely one topic to add. There might be more?

Next week some basic decisions are to be taken, as we enter the hot weeks before the next two day planning phase on 20-Sep-23. Have a great week 36:

  • TED Talk: Why I'm done trying to be "man enough" | Justin Baldoni
  • Video: After Learning to Code at 81, She Made a Game for Fellow Seniors
  • TED Talk: Now is the time to get your own wings | Masako Wakamiya 
  • Video: How to Stop Overthinking
  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (01-Sep-23)

  • 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls - Old habits die hard

  • What Is a Blameless Culture – And Why Should You Care?

  • 99% dont know those 10 AI tools that will save you hundreds of hours of your work

  • Uncertainty. It's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about

  • Write queries with Duet AI assistance

  • Good leadership requires you to think like a farmer!

  • 7 Keys To Human Leadership


[01-Sep-23] 1st 1,000k reader anniversary

One year can pass by pretty fast ...

Exactly one year ago I was celebrating the first time 1,000k readers on the counter of my BLOG. I am wearing my celebration jacket today that I did design for this occasion back then. As best possible assumption I did set the counter to 1,308,000 readers today, see the bottom of the Welcome page as reference. Just in case you are interested in more details about the celebration last year, see

[01-Sep-22] Blog post, see 2022 eBOOK page 121 for details.

Had a busy day today, starting in the morning with our monthly OneTeam coffee, a voluntary meeting that does not need to have any business context. Out of 450 potential participants only 4 showed up. Voluntary none business topics are not really attractive is my summary, but we had a great time. Did talk about Indian lunch, Vietnam as the 2nd largest coffee producer in the world and some really good Spanish wine. A promising start in the day.

After lunch a one hour Q&A session about our Cloud strategy with 100 people, seemed to be a more fancy topic, based on the pure numbers. People were invited to give feedback about the session and 9 did take the time to share some thoughts. The result was between 1 (complete waste of time) and 5 (cool stuff), difficult to make everybody happy. Anyway we provided some transparency and this is the idea.

In the afternoon two interviews with potential Interns, one 20 the other 36 years old. I will take the decision about next steps in the coming week.

Have a great weekend ...

  • Google Cloud Tech Blog
  • Challenge accepted: High-speed AI drone overtakes world-champion drone racers

  • Charted: Youth Unemployment in the OECD and China

  • Tracking Antarctica Sea Ice Loss in 2023

  • Adam Grant: The 12 New Fall Books to Enrich Your Thinking
  • TED Talk 2023: The AI-powered tools supercharging your imagination
  • The 8 Paths to Humility, How to Recover from Setbacks, & More

  • Tanmay Vora: How to Have an Effective Dialogue
  • The best HR & People Analytics articles of August 2023

  • India's $7 billion electric bus plan, and other city-focused stories you need to read

  • Why is the Moon's south pole so important?
  • 5 Team Practices that improve Agility and Focus


[30-Aug-23] Watermark AI

Making AI generated content visible ...

The AI capabilities are really impressive in the meantime, but how to find out who created the content you see or read? Some options below:

  • Identifying AI-generated images with SynthID

  • Breaking Barriers: Originality.AI's Multilanguage Release Supports 15 Languages (Most Accurate AI Content Checker & Plagiarism Checker for Content Marketers)

  • EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence

Just today I uploaded a new version of my 6th eBOOK with content until 29-Aug-23. You can get it via the Downloads page in the menu above.

On Friday 01-Sep-23 I will celebrate the 1st anniversary of having 1,000,000 visitors on the counter of my BLOG for the first time. Due to the change of my BLOG hosting company on 08-Dec-22 the visitors are counted differently in the meantime. Based on some earlier investigation my estimation for the counter status, according to the previous measurement logic, is 1,306,700 today.

  • TED Talk 2022: How to find joy in climate action by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
  • Gallup and Lumina Foundation are committed to studying perceptions around the most pressing issues facing higher education (FEATURED REPORT)

  • Dan Rockwell: TAKE THE NEXT STEP
  • The Fairphone 5 is finally here

  • Frank Sonnenberg: It’s Better Done Than Said
  • Are you working enough ON your business?

“We have seen AI providing conversation and comfort to the lonely; we have also seen AI engaging in racial discrimination. Yet the biggest harm that AI is likely to do to individuals in the short term is job displacement, as the amount of work we can automate with AI is vastly larger than before. As leaders, it is incumbent on all of us to make sure we are building a world in which every individual has an opportunity to thrive.”

Andrew Ng, taken from 40 Best Artificial Intelligence Quotes

[29-Aug-23] About multitasking ..

We roughly waste 10 years in 40 years working due to multitasking

I read the statement above in a LinkedIn article today. Not sure if it is really 10 years, but you definitely lose a lot of time. Just do a quick test, to get a first impression and to better understand differences:


  • Draw 3 columns on 2 sheets of paper
  • Column headings: 1-10 ; A-J; I-X (see picture)
  • Goal: Columns are filled with corresponding values
  • Round 1: according to rules see below
  • Turn over sheet of paper or take a new sheet and redraw & label columns
  • Round 2: according to rules see below


  • Round 1: It is filled row by row. Say: 1; A; I; (next line) 2; B; II; .... until you reach 10; J; X
  • Round 2: You fill in columns. First all numbers from 1-10, then all letters (A-J) and last all roman numerals (I-X).

Which round took longer? Surprised ...

After the workshops in the last two weeks I had a discussion with one of the participants today. The topic was to understand more details about the 16Personalities test and how to make best use of the results in a small team setup. I proposed two other tests - IKIGAI and DISC - and some ideas how to approach the next steps. Further discussion is necessary in the future. We will see, what comes next?

  • TED Talk from 2012: The power of introverts
  • 8 Habits of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People

  • Coaching Models: STEPPA

[28-Aug-23] Setting priorities from different perspectives

It is all about YOU in the end

“To change your life, you need to change your priorities.” -- Mark Twain

  • The New Happy: It’s never too late
  • The longer you think about something, the less likely you are to do it

  • Build a positive Team Culture

  • Video: Is the World Ready For The Impacts Of AI?
  • The 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for AI is here

  • Increase Your Talent Pool Up to 10 Times by Doing This

  • The History of Innovation Cycles from 2021

[27-Aug-23] My week 34-2023 highlights

Preparing a busy September before holiday 

"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are." -- Eric Hoffer

We start with the Sprint-4 demo tomorrow and afterwards plan the priorities for the next 3 month phase starting 26-Sep-23. Due to a lot of outside influences we are not free to choose our way forward, but we will try to find the best balance between short-term needs and long-term success.

Might not be always easy to create the right awareness of the capabilities in our team, but we will do our best. As we are short with skilled resources for the legacy environment we want to retire soon, any automation or possibilitiy to make use of machine learning will be helpful. To be scalable, faster and deliver with less people and high quality. We will start tomorrow.

Like the onion describes the awareness of problems in the organization, the same applies for knowledge about capabilities. The higher you come the lower the insights. So we have to improve our marketing activities and deliver on commitments more often, to build the trust needed.

  • AI vs. Humans: Which Performs Certain Skills Better?

  • The Definitive Guide to Scrum PDF

  • 10 Questions Every Leader Needs To Ask About AI

  • India's moon mission is a low-cost success story, here's why

  • When you grow up, do you want to become a public speaker?

[25-Aug-23] The Race is on ...

Ready for the weekend after 4 workshops in two weeks 

Nvidia has become an early winner of the generative AI boom.

The company reported record revenue in its second quarter earnings report, with sales of AI chips playing a large role. If we compare to other American competitors, what do the AI chip sales of Nvidia vs. AMD vs. Intel look like?

The well deserved weekend is coming up and I am looking forward to it. Next week back to standard business with our Sprint-4 Demo and the preparation of the next planning phase on 20/21-Sep-23. Alignment is required as well as dependency checks and a common priority setting across different projects.

Besides that I will be starting to prepare the school workshop tomorrow. Needs some updates with 2023 data and capabilities like ChatGPT.

Have a great weekend:

  • Video: Japan’s National Volleyball Team Has a Secret Weapon: A Blocking Robot | Mashable
  • Video: The True Story Behind LEADERS EAT LAST - Simon Sinek

  • Shokunin - The Japanese art of Work for work's sake
  • Don't limit yourself to ChatGPT. Here're 5 new AI tools that outshine ChatGPT

  • Good working relationships are essential for a positive and productive work environment

  • How stress improves us: the hidden power of antifragility

[24-Aug-23] Tools or Frameworks

Two sketches from Olina Glindevi, the Visual Agile Coach

I like her approach to capture rather difficult topics in easy pictures:

  • Left: The Agile Manifesto: Where it all began!
  • Right: Dysfunction Mapping; A tool for effective agile coaching

Just back from my two days with workshops, on Tuesday for 2 hours with my senior management team and Wednesday a whole day offsite with a small management team of another department. Both a great success and the basis for more assignments.

I am still working on my future position as the Feelgood Manager of my department and see two ways to get there. Either to be nominated by the HR department or via an election of all employees. The more workshops I host the higher is the probability for option two. I will go on with this approach, as it is a great experience and learning for me. The fun to see that the preparation work is leading to a smooth workshop is on top of this.

Now the focus will go back to the project and the 3rd Meetup coming up end of Sep-23. The next planned holiday is early Oct-23 for two weeks. One day before I will be hosting the school workshop this year, needs some preparation work as well, as the last one was 2021. The topic is Digital Transformation and this is changing really fast.

"The personal ego already has a strong element of dysfunction, but the collective ego is, frequently, even more dysfunctional, to the point of absolute insanity." -- Eckhart Tolle, German - Speaker Born: February 16, 1948

  • Grant Snider: Wanting More - On Happiness and Chasing Impossible Goals
  • Willem-Jan Ageling: 10 brilliant ways to fail by ignoring the Agile principles

  • How climate adaptation can both protect and grow your business

  • Frank Sonnenberg: The Danger Signs of an Inflated Ego
  • How to Retain Gen Z Employees? Provide Them the Learning Experiences They Want

  • Johari Window: a visual approach to conscious and hidden biases

  • Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and interact with others


[21-Aug-23] Asking more questions

Best advice for people of all age ...

Asking questions is the best and first advice for the Interns during their onboarding session. It also works for other people, independent of their age. And with ChatGPT there is now a new tool available that can answer basically any question with a pretty accurate answer.

I used it yesterday for my upcoming school workshop in September. The pupils are close to leaving school and will either start an apprenticeship or study. Some know already what they will be doing, others are struggling with the available offers or cannot take a final decision. In order to help I am collecting websites that support the decision making process. I did post 6 new sites today on my German Beratung & Coaching page. With the right question ChatGPT can add many more

pages, I stopped after 15 new ideas and will be using this way of generating valuable content during my workshop. Making best use of the available capabilities.

  • 13 Timeless Lessons from the Father of Advertising

  • TED Talk: The case for a 4-day work week
  • TED Talk: How to binge a college semester in one week | Steven Hayward
  • Video: I am blind, please help
  • Video: How to stop procrastinating | SOLVING THE PROCRASTINATION PUZZLE by Timothy Pychyl | Core Message
  • 11 Things Organized and Productive People Do Every Day

[20-Aug-23] The week 33-2023 summary

Handling fear and your comfort zone ...

No additional title for the England team as Spain did win the final today and did become now the 5th team to ever win the Women's World Cup. Congratulations.

This morning I had a discussion with my wife about leaving the Comfort Zone, as this was one of the workshop topics in the past week. Here what OpenAI thinks about the topic:

Leaving the comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, but it is essential for personal growth and development. Here are 10 compelling arguments why taking that leap of faith is worth it:

1. Self-discovery: Stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to explore new challenges and push your limits, leading to a better understanding of yourself and your capabilities.

2. Increased resilience: By confronting difficult situations outside of your comfort zone, you build resilience and learn to adapt to change more effectively.

3. Expanded horizons: Embracing the unknown opens doors to new experiences, opportunities, and perspectives that you may have never encountered otherwise.

4. Overcoming fears: Facing your fears head-on can be liberating and empowering, helping you to become more courageous and confident in all areas of life.

5. Enhanced creativity: By exploring new situations and environments, you stimulate your creativity and problem-solving skills, finding innovative solutions to challenges.

6. Personal growth: Leaving your comfort zone pushes you to learn and develop new skills, expanding your knowledge base and fostering personal growth.

7. Building resilience: By facing uncertainty and adversity outside of your comfort zone, you become more resilient and better equipped to handle life's challenges.

8. Boosted self-confidence: Each time you step out of your comfort zone and achieve success, your self-confidence grows, paving the way for greater accomplishments in the future.

9. Embracing change: Leaving your comfort zone prepares you to embrace change gracefully, ensuring you are not left behind in an ever-evolving world.

10. Increased opportunities: By venturing beyond what is familiar, you expose yourself to a broader range of opportunities and possibilities, both personally and professionally.

Not so bad, some minor adjustments and all is great. 

In The Mouse on TV today they explained why the track and field athletes run around the stadium to their left (counter-clockwise)? They did look at different possibilities like e.g. Historical Tradition, left-footed versus right footed people (bio-mechanics), Fairness, Comparability and Standardization. In the end it was a very short IAAF rules book entry from 1913 to standardize on a global basis. 

In the afternoon I did ask ChatGPT 3.5 the same question and got the same answer - "Ultimately, the combination of historical tradition and practical considerations, as defined by the IAAF rules, has led to the widespread practice of track and field athletes running in a counter-clockwise direction around the stadium.". Only when I asked for a combination of this story and leaving the comfort zone in the same article, the system was struggling a lot. More to come ...

  • Domestic chores could be done by robots 40% of the time within a decade - new study

  • TSMC, Bosch, Infineon, and NXP Establish Joint Venture to Bring Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing to Europe

  • Video: How to Consistently Enter Flow States
  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (18-Aug-23)

“It won’t be a surprise to see in the next 24 months, multiple billion-dollar companies built on top of OpenAI’s foundational models. The startups that will be the most successful won’t be the best at prompt engineering, which is the focus today, rather success will be found in what novel data and use case do they incorporate into OpenAI’s models. This novel data and application will be the moat that establishes the next set of AI unicorns.” -- David Shim, taken from

The Best ChatGPT Quotes

  • How Long it Took for Popular Apps to Reach 100 Million Users

  • Dan Rockwell: YES IS BETTER THAN NO
  • Which type of Strategist are you?
  • The 8 step practical problem-solving process is a methodical approach

  • The top 70 books for leaders (according to 70 high performers)

  • 6 Free Online Leadership Courses from Top Schools

  • Learn how to be a leader in an agile world with this free infographic

  • The ability to "multi task" is highly valued and often comes up in job descriptions

"We can struggle with what is. We can judge and blame others or ourselves. Or we can accept what cannot be changed. Peace comes from an honorable and open heart accepting what is true. Do we want to remain stuck? Or to release the fearful sense of self and rest kindly where we are?" -- Jack Kornfield

[19-Aug-23] Water some joy seeds

The weekend between the two workshop weeks

I could prepare both workshops for next week on Friday, just need to wait for the senior management team to deliver their homework, will see the results on Monday.

After lunch on Friday we had our bi-weekly BrownBag session, this time the topic was around Japanese culture and frameworks. Very well received by the audience and less technical than our previous topics. Interested in more details, see the two links below:

Finally the final of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 tomorrow morning - England versus Spain. Three European teams in the last four, Australia finished 4th against Sweden today. After winning the European Championship last year, this could be the 2nd title in 2 years for the team from England. The last and only international title for the Men's team is the World Cup win from 1966 against Germany.

[17-Aug-23] Getting luckier ...

Lifelong Learning, you have to practice, practice, ...

Today I delivered the final package to the participants of the workshop yesterday. The presentation and a summary of the results the teams did work out together. I did get more posititve feedback about the two days and even an offer to host another workshop next week. A little bit too short notice for me, as I had two other workshops scheduled already. Maybe next time?

Later today I delivered several appreciation certificates to team members of my project. This time to the silent heroes/performers. They do great work and deliver or over deliver on their commitments on a regular basis, are a backbone of their teams and do not talk about it a lot. As recognition is one of the top motivation drivers in our teams, we do these kind of appreciation regularly. Helps the recognized people a lot, and is a good signal to their supervisors as well for the next performance review for example.

  • Grant Snider: Fairy Tale After Jan Pieńkowski
  • This infographic identifies 6 principles underlying influence

  • Boston Dynamics wants to change the world with its state-of-the-art robots

  • What the Most Engaged Organisations in EMEA Do Differently

  • The CIGAR Coaching Model

[16-Aug-23] Passing the fear zone

Back from the 2-day offsite workshop

Besides the public transport that did really work well in both directions, I had to take two trains and two busses to get there and again on the way back, the workshop was a great success. It was the 1st time for me to host nearly 50 people in one room, so far the larger workshops with 50+ people were only online.

On the first day we did the Motivation workshop that works well with any kind of participant number, together in a room, online or in a hybrid setup. This morning the presentation of the Personality Type test results and to close the session the 2025/26 journey.

All three topics are related to leaving the personal Comfort Zone, by passing the Fear Zone on the way to the  Learning and Growth Zone. And the same happened on the evening before, when Karaoke was on the agenda.

Some people could really sing well, others did it just for fun or did not care that they still have room for improvement, and a lot did not sing at all. Too much fear to leave the comfort zone, so we potentially missed some good singers, who did not even know how good they are, because they never tried? Overall a lot of fun and good mood of the team, and a good preparation for my workshop today, as I could use the behavior as example for my story line.

The next two workshops are next week Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Frank Sonnenberg: Map Out Your Life’s Journey
  • Dr. Marcus Raitner: Practice Makes Perfect

  • Ten Signs You’re Burning Out (And How To Stop It)

  • Want to Be a Talent Leader? Here's How 600,000 Others Got There

  • 24 Cognitive Biases

  • Anders Indset: Leben ohne Leistung ist Sinnlos (German only)

  • The ‘Godfather of AI’ Has a Hopeful Plan for Keeping Future AI Friendly

  • Strategy in the Face of Complexity: Revisiting the Stacey Matrix

  • 5G-Nachfolger: Netzwerk-Analysen sind Voraussetzung für 6G-Forschung (German only)

[13-Aug-23] My week 32-2023 highlights

Agree to disagree, but support the way forward

Picture taken from a GUSTAVO RAZZETTI article - Disagree and Commit: A 5-Step Playbook to Make Faster, Smarter Decisions - check it out for more details.

Tomorrow is our Sprint-3 demo, but only for 30 minutes. Not much to present in the middle of the 3 month period. Gives me more time to prepare the 1st workshop in the afternoon. Just changing the order of some slides and copying the results of our online brainstorming into it. Then we are good to go, hopefully everybody will be happy with my interpretation of the HR directions.

Tuesday and Wednesday is the two day offsite workshop in our training location in Koenigswinter with 55+ participants. On the 1st day my slot is directly after lunch and before their outdoor team activity. On the 2nd day between breakfast and lunch. The content should be interesting enough, to keep the people motivated. Maybe on the 2nd day morning some will be struggling after a too short night, we will see - those who can party can also work afterwards. Due to the workshop hosting and preparation I might be too busy to write a BLOG post until Wednesday, you will find out :-)

  • 10 Principles of Kaizen..

  • It's time to lighten up and have some fun. About Internet Slangs

  • The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week (11-Aug-23)

[12-Aug-23] Picture Saturday

Related to Leadership and similar topics ...

“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.” — Brian Tracy

The preparation for my workshops in the coming two weeks is making good progress. Two mandatory workshops after the last employee survey next week Monday and on Tuesday in the week after next week. One offsite workshop about motivation, personality types and a virtual journey to 2025 next week Tuesday and Wednesday. The 4th workshop on 23-Aug-23, a full day teambuilding session for a smaller team. Will be a lot of fun and a good learning experience for me as host and hopefully a valuable time for all participants, in total around 100 people in the 4 workshops. Looking forward to it ...

The FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 did proceed with the quarter finals today and the last former champion - Japan - has lost against Sweden. Good for the tournament to get a new champion in the final on 20-Aug-23, but bad luck for the Japanese fans, who did always clean up the stadiums after each game - real role model behavior.

And today: The 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop™ will be the most epic year in Hip Hop history! Celebrations will be held all around the world to uplift and honor every aspect of Hip Hop culture. From concerts and tours to battles, competitions and exhibitions, all of your favorite DJs, MCs, Breakdancers, Beatboxers, Graffiti artists and more will show up and show out to make this golden anniversary of Hip Hop culture the most extraordinary year yet.

[11-Aug-23] Personality types next level

Selective awareness to find more details ...

With the help of the Jobs per Personality Type picture and some Coaching questions we could come to a good solution on the next day (10-Aug-23). The personality type and the proposed jobs did fit pretty well and in the end we came up with an interesting idea for the subject of the planned Master study. The Personality Test was possibly not the solution, but a helpful start to trigger a thinking pocess.

On the same day I found an article on LinkedIn about - 7 Workplace Personality Tests That Can Help Improve Your Team - maybe a selective perception, but good to read.

The New Happy: You have to Look for the need

"Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values." -- Ellen DeGeneres,

American - Comedian Born: January 26, 1958

  • Hotter Than Ever: 2023 Sets New Global Temperature Records

  • A collection of 72 viral LinkedIn post examples from 72 favorite creators

  • How to develop an intrapreneurial culture

  • The unique challenges of developing R&D Leaders

  • The Future of Work: The Three Digital Challenges Every Company Must Address


  • Identify impediments impacting multiple teams using Impediment Bingo


  • Why team happiness is a sad target for Scrum Masters & Agile Coaches